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Field Monitoring of Variables and Processes in Unsaturated Soils – mini-symposium @ ISC’7

Nell’ambito della 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC), che si terrà a Barcellona (Spagna) dal 18 al 21 giugno 2024, la prof.ssa Cristina Jommi e il prof. Enrique Romero hanno organizzato un mini-simposio sul tema “FIELD MONITORING OF VARIABLES AND PROCESSES IN UNSATURATED SOILS. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questo flyer e in questa pagina web.

UNSATURATED SOILS: theory and practice – Ph.D. Course at University of Genoa

From the 28th of November to the 2nd of December 2022, the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Università di Genova, is organizing a Ph.D. school entitled Unsaturated Soils: theory and practiceThe objective is to provide the theoretical elements of unsaturated soils to be applied to geotechnical problems via numerical analysis. The course is taught in English and takes place in presence. It lasts 25 hours and is open to external Ph.D. students and researchers. For more details and registration, please refer to this flyer. Contact details for further information: leonardo.lalicata@unige.it

UNSAT2023 “Towards Unsaturated Soils Engineering”, Milos 3-5 maggio 2023

La prossima conferenza UNSAT2023 “Towards Unsaturated Soils Engineering” si svolgerà nella splendida cornice dell’isola di Milos (Grecia) dal 3 al 5 maggio 2023. I dettagli sull’evento sono disponibili in questo sito. Scadenze: 6 settembre 2022 per l’invio del sommario , 16 dicembre 2022 per l’invio dell’articolo completo. La conferenza sarà preceduta, il 2 maggio, da un giorno di seminari dal titolo “Long-term measurement of soil suction in the field and its modelling”.

Vacancy on computational geomechanics at BAW (Germany)

About the position: vacancy for a 3-year R&D project within computational geomechanics at BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute Department of Geotechnical Engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany. The R&D-position’s main objective is to improve open source geomechanical analysis tools and to qualify the candidate for research positions.

Duties of the position: The R&D project aims at the validation and further development of poroMechanicalFoam, an openFOAM based FVM-model for hydro-mechanical analysis of flow-structure-soil interactions considering variable soil saturation. Based on analytical solutions and experimental data the impact of spatial and temporal discretization on robustness and accuracy shall be determined. The model performance shall be tested based on case studies from the geotechnical engineering practice at BAW considering representative aspects among others anisotropy of the mechanic and/or hydraulic properties, advanced soil material models (bounding surface plasticity), variable saturation and gas entrapment below the phreatic surface. In the final stage predictable failure mechanisms are to be addressed within the framework of the second order work concept. If desired, there is possibility for laboratory tests for characterization of soil properties and or/ identification of aspects yet not properly captured in poroMechanicalFoam.

Required selection criteria: The qualification requirement is a completed a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a strong academic background in engineering/physics or closely related discipline.

More information in the attachmentR&D Project – computational geomechanics – BAW

vEGU 2021 – call for abstracts – session NH8.4 on vegetation effects on slope stability and climate-induced geohazards

The NH8.4 session of the EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU, April 2021) is entitled ” Vegetation as nature-based solution for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences along slopes and streambanks” and is coordinated by Vittoria Capobianco (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI), Sabatino Cuomo (University of Salerno), Dominika Krzeminska (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research – NIBIO) and Anders Solheim (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI).

Contributions documenting, both through numerical or experimental studies, how vegetation can be beneficial in slope stability and plant-soil-atmosphere interaction in the unsaturated zone are welcome.

Specific topics and research questions related to this session are:

• How the plant-soil-atmosphere interaction affects the unsaturated zone and thus the slope stability?
• Measuring and quantifying the effects of vegetation as NBS for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences at or near instable slopes and along stream banks – case studies at full scale or laboratory scale
• How to ensure interdisciplinary interaction for sustainability and mutual synergies for studies containing vegetation as NBS for mitigating climate induced geo-hazards and associated consequences at or near instable slopes and along stream banks.

Further information about the session can be found here: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU21/session/38969

Interested participants are welcome to submit an abstract within 20 January 2021, which will be followed by an online presentation to be given during the virtual session.

Additional info about abstract submission can be found at: https://egu21.eu/abstracts_and_programme/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html

EGU General Assembly 2021 website:  https://www.egu2021.eu/

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbon – postponed to 19-21 October 2020

Due to the COV-19 outbreak in all European countries in the last weeks, in agreement with the Chair and the Secretary of the TC-106, E-UNSAT 2020 conference to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, will be postponed. The new dates have been fixed to October 19-21, 2020.
Postponing the conference was necessary to allow for safe travelling and enjoying the event. Hopefully this delay will be enough for the emergency to be over. Further information can be found at https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Faculty position at Polytechnique Montréal (Canada)

Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) is seeking applicants for a tenure-track position in geotechnical engineering. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

– frozen ground engineering

– transportation geotechnics

– unsaturated soil mechanics

– energy foundations

Closing Date:  April 2, 2020

Full description of the position and the required documents for the application can be found at: https://www.polymtl.ca/carriere/en/offres-demploi/civil-engineering-professor-nordic-geotechnical-engineering-transportation-geotechnics-unsaturated

Corso “Weather effects on sloping unsaturated soils” – Mediterranean PhD School – Napoli Federico II, ottobre 2019

Nell’ambito della Mediterranean PhD School, nei giorni 10 e 11 ottobre 2019, si terrà a Napoli il corso “Weather effects on sloping unsaturated soils”, organizzato dai colleghi geotecnici, il cui programma è riportato nel pdf allegato: Thematic course_MJW.

La Mediterranean PhD School, alla sua prima edizione, è organizzata dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università di Napoli Federico II e si svolgerà nella sede di Piazzale Tecchio nella settimana 7-12 ottobre 2019. La Scuola si incentrerà sul tema “Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses”. Le lezioni saranno tenute da 22 relatori stranieri di fama internazionale provenienti da varie sedi europee e da alcuni docenti del DICEA. Il Dipartimento mette a disposizione 10 borse di studio dell’importo di 800 euro ciascuna per supportare la partecipazione di studenti stranieri (scadenza: 25 giugno 2019).

Maggiori informazioni riguardanti la Scuola sono disponibili all’indirizzo: http://www.dicea.unina.it/page.php?id=214

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbona – call for abstracts

Vi segnaliamo la call for abstracts per la IV Conferenza Europea sui Terreni Parzialmente Saturi, E-UNSAT 2020, organizzata dall’Instituto Superior Tecnico di Lisbona in collaborazione con la Delft University of Technology e l’Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, che si terrà a Lisbona dal 24 al 26 Giugno 2020. Sono Conference Chairs Rafaela Cardoso, Cristina Jommi e Enrique Romero.

La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract è il 19 Maggio 2019. Si auspica, come per le precedenti edizioni, una significativa partecipazione della comunità geotecnica italiana.

Ulteriori informazioni nel volantino: E-UNSAT2020_abstract_call e sul sito del convegno: https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Full Time Tenure Stream – Assistant Professor at York University, Toronto – Canada

The Department of Civil Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering invites applications from qualified individuals for a tenure-track professorial-stream position at the Assistant Professor level in Geotechnical Engineering to commence on July 1, 2019. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.

We are looking to appoint a highly motivated candidate who will contribute to the Department’s goal of establishing a state-of-the-art advanced experimental geotechnics facility, focused on laboratory and field testing of saturated, unsaturated and frozen soils, and other geomaterials, such as waste and mine tailings. Other focus areas of this position can include: geotechnical field instrumentation and monitoring for geohazards; environmental geotechnics; energy geotechnics; experimental geochemistry; transportation geotechnics; and mining geotechnics. The successful candidate is expected to play a key role in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate geotechnical engineering courses.

Posting End Date: November 30, 2018

More information at: http://webapps.yorku.ca/academichiringviewer/viewposition.jsp?positionnumber=1824


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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