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Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards – IUSS Pavia

La Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS di Pavia finanzia quattro borse di studio per studenti che si immatricoleranno per l’anno accademico 2022-2023 alla Laurea Magistrale interateneo “Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards”. Maggiori informazioni in questo flyer e nel sito dedicato.

Scholarships – MSc programme “Civil Engineering for the Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards” – University of Pavia and IUSS Pavia

Four scholarships of 3.220 Euro/year each have been made available by the University School for Advanced studies IUSS Pavia to students who will enroll in the MSc programme “Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards” in the academic year 2021-2022. The MSc programme is jointly offered by the University of Pavia and IUSS Pavia, and the call for applications is published at the site  http://civrisk.unipv.it/scholarships/ .

The deadline for application to the scholarships is the 26th of June 2021.

The MSc programme “Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards”, entirely taught in English, aims at providing higher-level education to meet the ever-growing demand for expertise in the field of civil engineering applied to the reduction of seismic and hydrogeological risk. The programme has two curricula: Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE, which is the evolution of the well-known ROSE School Master Programme) and Hydrogeological Risk Assessment and Mitigation (HYRIS, which is a recent addition to the MSc).

The MSc offers high quality training by combining the expertise of the local academic staff with that of qualified international experts invited to teach selected courses.


Post doctoral position at INERIS (Verneuil-en-Halatte, France)


Ineris proposes a post-doctoral position on the understanding and modelling of THMC processes in deep geothermal systems.

The postdoctoral position is offered in the Natural Hazards, Underground structures and storages unit within the Site and Territory Division. The unit activity covers all aspects of risks prevention related to the exploitation and post-exploitation of ground and underground including underground excavations, abandoned mines, salt caverns, deep boreholes, gas underground storage, geothermal systems and rock slopes. The core expertise of the unit is numerical modelling of thermo-hydromechanical and chemical (THMC) coupled processes in geomechanics.

This post-doctoral is expected to begin on 15th March 2021 for 6 months. The application should be submitted in French or in English. It must include a resume (including a list of publications and the names and positions of your former research advisers) and a cover letter. —> Mail to: zady.ouraga@ineris.fr

For more information, please check the document enclosed.

Sessione speciale su Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction – 3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2021)

Vi segnaliamo una Sessione Speciale ad ICONHIC 2021 dal titolo: Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction (LSI) organizzata da Sabatino Cuomo, Marco Martinelli, Vikas Thakur, Clarence Choi.

Ulteriori informazioni nell’allegato: Physical-and-Numerical-Modelling-of-Landslide-Structure-Interaction-LSI
e all’indirizzo: https://iconhic.com/2021/session/physical-and-numerical-modelling-of-landslide-structure-interaction-lsi/

La terza International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2021) è prevista per il 22-24 giugno 2021 ad Atene.

Sito web della conferenzaiconhic.com/2021

3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 22 – 24 June 2021, Athens (Greece)

La terza International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2021) è prevista per il 22-24 giugno 2021 ad Atene (Grecia).

Il Comitato Scientifico ricorda che la scadenza della call for abstracts è il 25 ottobre 2020, nell’auspicio che la conferenza si tenga come da programma a giugno 2021 ad Atene o venga tutt’al più rinviata al 2022 in caso di impedimenti dovuti al COVID-19.

Locandina/Call for abstractsAbstracts_flyer_ICONHIC2021

Per maggiori informazioniiconhic.com/2021

Founded in 2016, the conference emerged in response to the ever-growing need for a landmark event that will gather together a broad field of expertise, aiming to prevent and reduce the risk of extreme natural events and their aftermaths on infrastructure. Sponsored by international industrial partners and institutions, who worked hand-in-hand with the academia to deliver an event that fosters collaboration between different stakeholders, ICONHIC2016 and ICONHIC2019 attracted a large number of attendees from all over the world, coming from exceptionally diverse technical or business backgrounds, with one overarching goal: to prepare within the constantly changing and highly uncertain environmental conditions and develop future-ready societies, able to reduce risk & manage disruption.

Following its evolution philosophy, the ICONHIC 2021 edition ventures the step forward: to build upon facilitative dialogue and strong synergies and propose an informed and realistic course of action against catastrophic natural events.

2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania (Greece), 23-26 June 2019 – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS


2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania, Crete Island (Greece), 23-26 June 2019.

Call for abstracts. Submission deadline: extended to 10 October 2018.



-Aging Infrastructure and future Earthquakes
-Seismic Design of Foundations
-Ground Failure & Liquefaction
-Seismic Isolation & Energy Dissipation Devices
-Earthquake or Flood induced Landslides
-Landslides Prevention & Mitigation


-Urban Drainage Infrastructure
-Natural & Engineered Defenses
-Storm Surges, Tsunamis and Sea Level Rise
-Strong Winds, Storms, Hurricanes & Cyclones
-Impact of Extreme Weather on Infrastructure
-Drought impacts on Infrastructure Service


-Hazard Prediction, Warning & Management
-Strengthening Tools & Mitigation Strategies
-Remote sensing for natural disasters
-Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructure
-Resilience of infrastructure networks
-Towards Adaptive Infrastructure

Special Sessions & Workshops: organized by experts on a variety of hot topics , they will include theme talks by distinguished lecturers, paper presentations and round-table discussions.

CONTACT: secretary@iconhic.com      www.iconhic.com/2019


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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