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The First Mediterranean Symposium on Landslides – MSL 2021 – Naples, 7-9 June 2021

Il primo Mediterranean Symposium on Landslides, intitolato “Slope Stability Problems in Stiff Clays and Flysch Formations“, si terrà a Napoli dal 7 al 9 giugno 2021. La scadenza per l’invio dei sommari è fissata al primo giugno 2020. Gli atti del simposio saranno pubblicati sulla raccolta open access “Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering” di Springer Nature.

Landslides represent a relevant problem for most of the countries overlooking the Mediterranean. This trivial consideration should prompt researchers, professionals, and stakeholders in this region to form closer relationships and engage themselves in a continuous exchange of data and ideas to find common strategies of landslide risk mitigation.
A common problem concerns the stability of slopes in hard fissured soils, weak rocks and flysch deposits, which are widespread all over the region, posing major problems to the development of these areas.
It is evident that the behaviour of such a wide and complex class of materials, spreading across large areas in this corner of the world, cannot be interpreted simply through the basic laws of the Soil or Rock Mechanics. With the goal in mind of urging people living on the Mediterranean to join their efforts, we decided to organize a Mediterranean Symposium on Landslides (MSL) in Napoli in June, 2021 hoping that this initiative will be the first of a series of similar periodic events.

Symposium websitehttps://medsymplandslides.wixsite.com/msl2021

XIII International Symposium on Landslides – Cartagena (Colombia) – postponed to 2021

Due to the drastic measures imposed at the local and international level to control the Coronavirus, the entry of foreigners to Colombia has been forbidden since the middle of March 2020 and most probably it will be very limited until the month of June 2020 and therefore we were forced to postpone the XIII International Symposium on Landslides to February 22-26, 2021.

More information at the conference website: http://www.scg.org.co/xiii-isl/index.html

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbon – postponed to 19-21 October 2020

Due to the COV-19 outbreak in all European countries in the last weeks, in agreement with the Chair and the Secretary of the TC-106, E-UNSAT 2020 conference to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, will be postponed. The new dates have been fixed to October 19-21, 2020.
Postponing the conference was necessary to allow for safe travelling and enjoying the event. Hopefully this delay will be enough for the emergency to be over. Further information can be found at https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Borsa di dottorato presso University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – UK

Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell’Università di Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) offre una posizione di dottorato sul tema “Vegetation-mediated ground-atmosphere interaction“.

Durata: 3 anni
Borsa: £1250/mese
Relatore: Prof. Alessandro Tarantino

Ulteriori informazioni nell’allegato: PhD Vegetation-mediated ground-atmosphere interaction

XIII International Symposium on Landslides – Cartagena (Colombia) – Deadline extension for paper submission

In association with the Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides (JTC1) and the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies: ISSMGE, ISRM and IAEG (FedIGS), the Colombian Geotechnical Society (CGS) cordially invites the international geotechnical community to participate in XIII ISL: http://www.scg.org.co/xiii-isl/index.html
call for papers is currently underway. The deadline for submission of papers has been extended to February 17, 2020. Previously, no later than February 14,  full manuscripts  (4 to 8 pages in length, abstract included)  shall be submitted to the conference organizing committee through the ISSMGE’s Conference Review Platform: https://www.issmge.org/publications/review-platform/conferences/isl2020 .

Winter School “From research to practise in geotechnical engineering” – 12–17 January 2020, Ascona (Switzerland)

The Winter School “From research to practise in geotechnical engineering”, coordinated by Prof. I. Anastasopoulos, will take place in Ascona (Switzerland) from 12 to 17 January 2020.

With the ultimate goal of developing innovative mitigation techniques, the international geotechnical engineering community has made substantial efforts to gain deeper insights on geotechnical hazards. For the state of practice to advance, academics need to join forces with practitioners.
The Winter School aims to bring these two groups together, to question the status quo, and to propose out‐of‐the‐box solutions. The program will combine:
a) Keynote lectures by international experts from the academia and the industry;
b) Seminars on state‐of‐the‐art numerical and physical modelling techniques;
c) Presentations by the participants;
d) Panel sessions, where the participants will have a “debate” with industry and academia experts on the applicability of their ideas;
e) Special session on start‐ups, on the process of product development, from initial conception to founding of a new company.

More information in the attachment: WS-2020-Flyer

Registration deadline: 15 November 2019

Website: https://geotechnics.ethz.ch/ws2020.html

EGU General Assembly 2020 – Session on Seismic Microzonation

Vi segnaliamo, nell’ambito della EGU General Assembly 2020 (Vienna, 3-8 maggio 2020), la sessione NH4.3 sulla Microzonazione Sismica, coordinata da Giovanni Forte con Hans-Balder Havenith e Filippo Santucci de Magistris. È possibile presentare entro il 15 gennaio 2020  un sommario a cui farà seguito una presentazione durante l’Incontro, nelle sessioni orali o tramite poster.

This session is focused on the ‘hazard’ part of seismic microzonation (SM), concerning the classical approaches and the case studies for:
– Subsoil investigation and characterization for SM mapping;
– Multi-level SM mapping;
– Evaluation of seismic site response (1D-2D-3D);
– Assessment of seismic-induced landslides,
– Analyses on Soil liquefaction.
Innovative contributions on soil non-linearity and damping, seismic monitoring and hazard assessment effects are also welcome.

Ulteriori informazioni sulla sessione alla pagina: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/session/34889

Sito web EGU General Assembly 2020:  https://www.egu2020.eu/

XIII International Symposium on Landslides – Cartagena (Colombia) – call for short papers – scadenza ravvicinata

Il XIII Simposio Internazionale sulle Frane, intitolato ‘Landslides and Sustainable Development’, si terrà dal 15 al 19 giugno 2020 a Cartagena, Colombia.

Abbiamo appreso che, al posto dell’usuale call for abstracts, gli organizzatori hanno pubblicato sul sito del simposio, www.scg.org.co/xiii-isl, un invito a sottoporre articoli brevi. La scadenza è fissata, al momento, al 29 luglio p.v.

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbona – call for abstracts

Vi segnaliamo la call for abstracts per la IV Conferenza Europea sui Terreni Parzialmente Saturi, E-UNSAT 2020, organizzata dall’Instituto Superior Tecnico di Lisbona in collaborazione con la Delft University of Technology e l’Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, che si terrà a Lisbona dal 24 al 26 Giugno 2020. Sono Conference Chairs Rafaela Cardoso, Cristina Jommi e Enrique Romero.

La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract è il 19 Maggio 2019. Si auspica, come per le precedenti edizioni, una significativa partecipazione della comunità geotecnica italiana.

Ulteriori informazioni nel volantino: E-UNSAT2020_abstract_call e sul sito del convegno: https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania (Greece), 23-26 June 2019 – CALL FOR ABSTRACTS


2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania, Crete Island (Greece), 23-26 June 2019.

Call for abstracts. Submission deadline: extended to 10 October 2018.



-Aging Infrastructure and future Earthquakes
-Seismic Design of Foundations
-Ground Failure & Liquefaction
-Seismic Isolation & Energy Dissipation Devices
-Earthquake or Flood induced Landslides
-Landslides Prevention & Mitigation


-Urban Drainage Infrastructure
-Natural & Engineered Defenses
-Storm Surges, Tsunamis and Sea Level Rise
-Strong Winds, Storms, Hurricanes & Cyclones
-Impact of Extreme Weather on Infrastructure
-Drought impacts on Infrastructure Service


-Hazard Prediction, Warning & Management
-Strengthening Tools & Mitigation Strategies
-Remote sensing for natural disasters
-Life-Cycle Management of Infrastructure
-Resilience of infrastructure networks
-Towards Adaptive Infrastructure

Special Sessions & Workshops: organized by experts on a variety of hot topics , they will include theme talks by distinguished lecturers, paper presentations and round-table discussions.

CONTACT: secretary@iconhic.com      www.iconhic.com/2019


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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