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5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields – September 9-11, 2021 Fukuoka, Japan

Il 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields si terrà a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel settembre 2021. Promosso dalle Associazioni Internazionali ISRM e IAEG, segue l’analogo Workshop svolto ad Ischia nel settembre 2015.

On behalf of the Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics and the Japan Society of Engineering Geology, the Organizing Committe is pleased to hold “RMEGV2021: 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields”.

The goals of this workshop are to promote the exchange of ideas and information among civil engineers and geologists regarding serious issues related to volcanic fields, and to find possible solutions to them, as well as to aid in the fusion of Civil Engineering and Geology in terms of applied volcanic science, including construction, environment, groundwater, disasters, and geothermal energy. Many resources can be found in the vicinity of volcanic fields, such as hydro-geothermal energy and groundwater. On the other hand, many natural disasters and other risks to infrastructure construction also exist due to the geoscientific and geotechnical features in these areas. Thus, civil engineers and engineering geologists strive to solve these problems based on the existing data on volcanic fields.

The themes of this workshop include volcanic geology, disasters and their mitigation, resources and energy in volcanic fields, mechanical behavior of volcanic rocks and soils, groundwater and environmental problems in volcanic fields, and geotechnical engineering in volcanic fields. It is our hope that many researchers/engineers involved in applied volcanic science will attend this workshop from all over the world, participate in deeply meaningful discussions, and create new global research connections.




Sustainable conservation of UNESCO and other heritage sites through proactive geosciences, 10-12 December 2019

The Symposium will be organised during the period of 10 – 12 December 2019 by Embassy of ltaly in Egypt. It will take place in an exclusive cruise on the Nile between Luxor (check-in 9th of December) and Assuan (check-out 13th of December).

The Symposium is mainly addressed (not exclusively) to Conservators and Managers of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and of Monuments and Sites in general, as well as experts of Engineering Geology in general, who will benefit from case studies worldwide. It is organised in sessions covering the innovation and advances in science and technology on geohazards mitigation in heritage sites from all over the world, showing case studies and sharing similar approaches in various climatic and hazardous contexts.

lmportant Dates
Abstract submission: 15 October 2019
Notification of acceptance: 25 October, 2019
Submission of full paper: 30 November, 2019

For further information, please contact: nevinenabil.asrt@gmail.com

Download brochure: Brochure_Unesco_Cairo

Bando dottorato presso BGRM (Francia)

Vi segnaliamo un bando per l’ammissione al dottorato di ricerca, con borsa, presso il BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Servizio Geologico Nazionale francese, sedi di Orléans e Bordeaux) in collaborazione con l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

Tema di ricerca: identificazione, analisi e modellazione numerica delle falesie.

Gli interessati potranno far pervenire la propria candidatura entro il 18 maggio 2019 nelle modalità indicate nell’avviso allegato, contattando il dott. Yannick Thiery e il dott. Christophe Garnier del BRGM e il prof. Domenico Gallipoli dell’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

Avviso: Projet de thèse_ezponda_mars_2019

Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions, Imperial College, London

There are currently two open positions for academic staff at the lecturer/senior lecturer level within the Geotechnics Section of the Department of Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London. The first position has an emphasis on experimental soil mechanics, while the second position is for someone with an expertise in ground investigation and / or engineering geology.

Closing date: 31 January 2019
More information at:


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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