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EGU General Assembly 2020 – Sessione sulla geotermia superficiale

Vi segnaliamo, nell’ambito della EGU General Assembly 2020 (Vienna, 3-8 maggio 2020), la sessione sulla geotermia superficiale per il condizionamento degli edifici.
La sessione ERE 2.8, intitolata Shallow geothermal systems for building heating and cooling: geoscience and engineering approaches, è coordinata da Giorgia Dalla Santa (Università di Padova), Witold Bogusz (Polish Building Research Institute, Warsaw), Francesco Cecinato (Università di Milano), Fleur Loveridge (University of Leeds) e Donatella Sterpi (Politecnico di Milano). È possibile presentare entro il 15 gennaio 2020 un sommario a cui farà seguito una presentazione orale o tramite poster, da tenere nell’ambito della sessione durante il convegno.

The session welcomes contributions about shallow geothermal energy applications, including traditional closed- and open-loop borehole heat exchangers as well as so-called energy geostructures (e.g. thermo-active foundations, walls, tunnels).
Different types of analysis and approaches are relevant to this session, spanning from the evaluation of ground thermal properties to the mapping of shallow geothermal potential, from energy storage and district heating to sustainability issues and consequences of the geothermal energy use, from the design of new heat exchangers and installation techniques to the energy and thermo-(hydro-) mechanical performance of energy geostructures. Contributions based on experimental, analytical and numerical modelling are welcome as well as interventions about legislative aspects.

Ulteriori informazioni sulla sezione alla pagina: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/session/34720

Sito web EGU General Assembly 2020:  https://www.egu2020.eu/

Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment – 21-23 January 2020, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

The 3rd edition of the Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment will be held on January 21st -23rd 2020, in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

Geomechanics, Environment and Energy are increasingly related and contemporary themes. The goal of the school is to provide participants with a deep understanding on selected topics in Geomechanics which are fundamental for  applications related to Energy and the Environment. This Winter School is organized in the framework of the international journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment.

Lectures will be given by internationally renowned experts in the field:
Eduardo Alonso (UPC Barcelona)
Coarse Granular Materials: From Particle Behaviour to Large-Scale Structures
Tomasz Hueckel (Duke University)
Multiphysics Degradation Processes, and Their Mitigation in Energy Geomechanics
Russell Ewy (Chevron ETC)
Shale Properties as a Function of Geological Burial and Compaction
Lyesse Laloui (EPF Lausanne)
Multiphysical Processes in Bentonite-Based Materials
Alessio Ferrari (EPF Lausanne)
Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Geomaterials: Experiments and Modelling
Jean Sulem (ENPC ParisTech)
Strain Localization and Instability in Geomechanics: Application to Seismic Slip

Lectures will be given on site during the first part of the day and extended breaks will be provided to review the course material, to go skiing, or to enjoy the wonderful landscape of the Swiss Alps in Villars-sur-Ollon. Late-afternoon gatherings are foreseen for lectures. Evening sessions will be devoted to presentations from the participants to share ideas with the experts.

Prof. Emmanuel Detournay (University of Minnesota, US National Academy of Engineering) has been awarded the 2020 EPFL Distinguished Lecture in Geomechanics for his significant contributions to the fields of hydraulic fracturing, drilling dynamics, and poroelasticity. The lecture, which is open to the public, will be held on January 20th, 2020 in Villars-sur-Ollon and is entitled: The Role of Scaling in Geomechanics.

Early bird registrations are now open until November 8th, 2019.

More information on the program, venue and registration can be found on the dedicated webpage (https://gete-school.epfl.ch)

PhD and Post-doc positions at EPFL, Switzerland

The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is looking for 3 PhD candidates and 2 Post-docs in Geomechanics and Energy Geotechnics.

The call is open until all the positions will be filled. Candidates are urged to apply as early as they can, contacting recruitment.lms@epfl.ch .

More information in the attachment: LMS-EPFL-openpositions

2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics – La Jolla (California) – Call for abstracts

La seconda Conferenza Internazionale sulla Geotecnica per l’Energia si terrà a La Jolla (California) dal 20 al 23 settembre 2020 dal 28 al 31 marzo 2021, con il patrocinio del TC308 (Energy Geotechnics) dell’ISSMGE.

Il volantino allegato contiene la seconda call for abstracts, con scadenza il 31 luglio 2019, e altri dettagli utili. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito della conferenza: http://www.icegt-2020.org .

VolantinoICEGT 2020 – 2nd Call for Abstracts

Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment – 3rd Edition, 21-23 January 2020, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

The 3rd edition of the Winter School on Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment will be held on January 21st -23rd 2020, in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

Geomechanics, Environment and Energy are increasingly related and contemporary themes. The goal of the school is to provide participants with a deep understanding on selected topics in Geomechanics which are fundamental for  applications related to Energy and the Environment. This Winter School is organized in the framework of the international journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment.

More information on the program, venue and registration can be found on the dedicated webpage (https://gete-school.epfl.ch)

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbona – call for abstracts

Vi segnaliamo la call for abstracts per la IV Conferenza Europea sui Terreni Parzialmente Saturi, E-UNSAT 2020, organizzata dall’Instituto Superior Tecnico di Lisbona in collaborazione con la Delft University of Technology e l’Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, che si terrà a Lisbona dal 24 al 26 Giugno 2020. Sono Conference Chairs Rafaela Cardoso, Cristina Jommi e Enrique Romero.

La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract è il 19 Maggio 2019. Si auspica, come per le precedenti edizioni, una significativa partecipazione della comunità geotecnica italiana.

Ulteriori informazioni nel volantino: E-UNSAT2020_abstract_call e sul sito del convegno: https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Giornata di seminari su Geotecnica e Geomeccanica per l’Energia, Università di Milano, 12 febbraio 2019

I colleghi dell’Università Statale di Milano hanno organizzato una giornata di seminari sul tema “Geotecnica e Geomeccanica per l’Energia” che si terrà il 12 febbraio 2019.

Le applicazioni geotecniche/geomeccaniche energetiche sono oggetto di crescente interesse in diversi settori di ricerca e industria e sono fortemente interdisciplinari, coinvolgendo specialisti sia nel campo dell’Ingegneria che della Geologia.

I seminari spazieranno tra vari argomenti legati all’energia, dalla subsidenza in applicazioni Oil&Gas alle geo-strutture energetiche, dalle fondazioni offshore per l’energia rinnovabile alla fratturazione idraulica.

Ulteriori informazioni nella locandina: Seminari_GGE_120219

Full Time Tenure Stream – Assistant Professor at York University, Toronto – Canada

The Department of Civil Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering invites applications from qualified individuals for a tenure-track professorial-stream position at the Assistant Professor level in Geotechnical Engineering to commence on July 1, 2019. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.

We are looking to appoint a highly motivated candidate who will contribute to the Department’s goal of establishing a state-of-the-art advanced experimental geotechnics facility, focused on laboratory and field testing of saturated, unsaturated and frozen soils, and other geomaterials, such as waste and mine tailings. Other focus areas of this position can include: geotechnical field instrumentation and monitoring for geohazards; environmental geotechnics; energy geotechnics; experimental geochemistry; transportation geotechnics; and mining geotechnics. The successful candidate is expected to play a key role in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate geotechnical engineering courses.

Posting End Date: November 30, 2018

More information at: http://webapps.yorku.ca/academichiringviewer/viewposition.jsp?positionnumber=1824

International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG-2018), Lausanne, 25-28 September 2018

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to convey to you the latest updates (Bulletin #5, in attachment) on the International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG-2018) under the auspices of the Technical Committee TC – 308 of ISSMGE, taking place at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland on 25-28 September 2018.

Best regards,
Alessio Ferrari

PDFBulletin #5


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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