ALERT Geomaterials – Newsletter
Segnaliamo la possibilità di iscriversi alla newsletter di ALERT (Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology) tramite l’apposito modulo del sito .
The Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology (ALERT) “Geomaterials” has been created in 1989 by Roberto Nova, Manuel Pastor, Ian Smith, Peter Vermeer, Olek Zienkiewicz and Félix Darve as a pioneering (at that time!) effort to develop a European School of Thinking in the field of the Mechanics of Geomaterials. The generic name “Geomaterials” is viewed as gathering together materials, whose mechanical behaviour depends on the pressure level, which can be dilatant under shearing and which are multiphase because of their porous structure. So, the “geomaterials” label brings together mainly soils, rocks and concrete. It has been obvious from the very beginning that there is a crucial need for a joint Graduate School in order to build firmly this European scientific group in the Mechanics of Geomaterials, in close link with the doctoral students.
The main areas of interest are
– micromechanics and constitutive modelling for geomaterials
– engineering, failure, strain localisation and instabilities
– large scale computations for geomaterials and geostructures
– integrity of geostructures and inverse analysis in geomechanics
– environmental geomechanics and durability of geomaterials
The core activity represents the annual meeting with ALERT Workshop and ALERT Doctoral School.
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Borse di dottorato presso University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – UK (scadenza 25/10/2018)
Il Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering dell’University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) offre due posizioni di dottorato sui seguenti temi:
1) Clay micromechanics: from experimental evidence at the nano/micro scale to particle-scale modelling via Discrete Element Method
2) Engineering vegetation to stabilise geotechnical structures: developing open-air portable laboratory to design vegetation-based remedial measures
Durata: 3 anni
Borsa: £1230/mese
Scadenza della domanda: 25 ottobre 2018
La data di inizio è prevista tra gennaio e febbraio 2019. Si richiede un voto di laurea non inferiore a 104/110 (possibilmente 110/110). Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare il Prof. Alessandro Tarantino (
Full Time Tenure Stream – Assistant Professor at York University, Toronto – Canada
The Department of Civil Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering invites applications from qualified individuals for a tenure-track professorial-stream position at the Assistant Professor level in Geotechnical Engineering to commence on July 1, 2019. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
We are looking to appoint a highly motivated candidate who will contribute to the Department’s goal of establishing a state-of-the-art advanced experimental geotechnics facility, focused on laboratory and field testing of saturated, unsaturated and frozen soils, and other geomaterials, such as waste and mine tailings. Other focus areas of this position can include: geotechnical field instrumentation and monitoring for geohazards; environmental geotechnics; energy geotechnics; experimental geochemistry; transportation geotechnics; and mining geotechnics. The successful candidate is expected to play a key role in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate geotechnical engineering courses.
Posting End Date: November 30, 2018
More information at:
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor position at University of Auckland – New Zealand
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Auckland invites applications from outstanding candidates for a position in Geotechnical Engineering at the Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor level.
The candidate will be expected to develop a strong research programme, to teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Civil and Environmental Engineering programmes and to participate in the administrative activities of the Department, the Faculty of Engineering and the University.
The selected candidate must:
- hold a Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering
- have an excellent academic record as evidenced by a publication record appropriate to the appointment level sought
- demonstrate experience and expertise in specialised laboratory and/or innovative field-based research.
It is anticipated that the area of research and professional practice may involve geotechnical characterisation of problematic soils, slope engineering, rock and tunnel engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and/or other emerging geotechnical specialties.
More information at:,a5196.html
15 PhD vacancies (Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher positions) available at MATHEGRAM
MATHEGRAM is an MSCA Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the EU.
Granular materials, such as soils, agricultural seeds, metallic and ceramic powders, and pharmaceutical powders, are common in nature and have many industrial applications. They possess unique physical properties and a complicated flow behaviour. MATHEGRAM aims to improve our understanding of the thermomechanical behaviour of granular materials.
MATHEGRAM is now recruiting 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Each ESR will work at a beneficiary institute with a 36-month employment contract and will register as a PhD at a European University within the MATHEGRAM network or affiliated universities. Each ESR will also receive additional training at the network level and undergo secondments at academic and/or non-academic MATHEGRAM partners.
More information at:
Research Associate position, Imperial College, London
An opportunity has arisen for a Research Associate to work on experimental geotechnical laboratory and field studies carried out in conjunction with the ALPACA Joint Industry Project. The latter is a major research project that is being advanced in association with University of Oxford, funded by EPSRC and Industry. Professor R J Jardine is the Principal Investigator, with Dr Stavroula Kontoe as Co-Investigator. The project is directed towards the cost-effective design of foundations for offshore wind-turbines, especially those for chalk dominated sites. This is a fixed term appointment that will commence from December 2018 or later and extend up to end of February 2020.
Closing date: 28 October 2018
More information at:
Conferenze di Geotecnica di Torino, 8 e 9 Novembre 2018
Le Conferenze di Geotecnica di Torino, giunte alla XXV edizione, si svolgeranno presso il Politecnico di Torino l’8 e il 9 Novembre 2018. Il tema di questa edizione sarà “Analisi e progetto delle opere geotecniche in zona sismica“. È prevista una quota di iscrizione ridotta valida fino al 30 settembre p.v. e verranno riconosciuti i crediti formativi (CFP) sia agli ingegneri sia ai geologi.
Maggiori informazioni sono riportate nel sito web e nel volantino allegato: CGT_2018.
Università di Pavia – Bando per la copertura dell’insegnamento di “Fondazioni e Opere di Sostegno”
È stato pubblicato un bando per il conferimento dell’incarico per l’insegnamento di “Fondazioni e Opere di Sostegno” (6 CFU) per gli allievi del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Civile, presso l’Università degli Studi di Pavia (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura) nel I semestre dell’anno accademico 2018-2019.
Scadenza: 22 Settembre 2018
Il bando è consultabile sull’Albo di Ateneo o all’indirizzo
26th Annual Meeting of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion (EWG-IE), Politecnico di Milano, 10-13 September 2018
The European Working Group on Internal Erosion (EWG-IE) was set up in 1993 to focus on the vulnerability of dams to internal erosion. After an inaugural workshop on definitions and needs, the Group has regularly organized Annual Meetings to share knowledge and address emerging issues on soil internal erosion in water retaining structures. Over the years, the Meetings have seen the participation of university researchers, scientists and engineers from agencies, industries, and public bodies, from Europe and overseas.
Following the last successful event in Delft in September 2017, the objective of the meeting in Milano is to serve as a fertile discussion platform, strengthening sound knowledge as well as introducing novel ideas, in the thematic areas in line with the traditional aims of EWG-IE.
More than 100 authors, coming from academic institutions, private and public bodies, in European and overseas countries, will contribute to the peer-reviewed papers and presentations.
These will be grouped into four sections, namely
• laboratory techniques and findings;
• from modeling to design criteria;
• prevention measures and field assessment;
• open issues for discussion and contribution.
Researchers, scientists and engineers are invited to participate.
Programme: EWGIE-Final_programme 2
Faculty position in geotechnical engineering at University of Colorado Boulder – USA
Opening for a faculty position in geotechnical engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, with a focus on centrifuge modeling. Please forward this announcement to your colleagues, recent graduates, post-doctoral scholars, or former students who may be interested. Anyone who needs more information about this position can contact Prof. Shideh Dashti.
Announcement: GeotEngJobAd2018-Final
Shideh Dashti, PhD | Associate Professor | Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering | University of Colorado Boulder | Co-Director of Center for Infrastructure, Energy, and Space Testing | Research Website