Intensive Course on Energy Geostructures: Analysis and Design – 3rd Edition, EPFL, November 2020
The third edition of the 3-day intensive course for practitioners and scientists entitled “Energy geostructures: analysis and design” will be held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, from November 2 to 4, 2020. The short-course aims to provide attendees with a sound theoretical understanding of the problems addressed as well as with practical and effective tools to address the considered subjects.
By attending this training, you will: (i) develop your understanding of the behaviour and performance of energy geostructures, such as energy piles, energy barrettes, energy walls and energy tunnels; (ii) increase your knowledge about the energy, geotechnical and structural analysis of energy geostructures with practical application exercises, including analytical and numerical simulation exercises and (iii) learn how to design energy geostructures following current standards through appropriate procedures.
The course has been designed with civil engineers in mind, but targets energy engineers, architects, urban project managers and geologists as well.
The number of participants for this intensive course is limited. The available spots are being filled on a first come first served basis. More information about the course can be found on its dedicated website.
Call for Submissions – Geo-Extreme 2021
We would like to draw your attention to the attached Call for Submissions for Geo-Extreme 2021, a specialty conference organize by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to be held at the Hyatt Regency Savannah, in Savannah, GA, USA, on August 15-18, 2021.
Geo-Extreme 2021 aims to create a multi-disciplinary forum to discuss how the geo-engineering community can work with other professionals, e.g., climate scientists, engineers, emergency managers, resilience and sustainability investigators, insurance experts, and policy makers, to cope with extreme events under a changing climate.
Proposals for technical sessions, panels, and short courses are due May 22 and may be only emailed to Jay McKelvey at:
Abstracts are due June 19 and may be only submitted via the online Submission System at:
TUST Special Issue “Building and infrastructure response to ground movement: bridging the gap between geotechnical and structural modelling of SSI”
Carissimi colleghi,
vi segnaliamo che la rivista Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology ospiterà un numero speciale dal titolo “Building and infrastructure response to ground movement: bridging the gap between geotechnical and structural modelling of SSI“, a cui molti di voi potrebbero essere interessati.
Maggiori informazioni possono essere reperite al seguente indirizzo:
Le date principali sono le seguenti:
· scadenza per l’invio dei sommari (massimo 400 parole) – 15 Settembre 2020
· scadenza per l’invio degli articoli – 15 Dicembre 2020
· comunicazione della decisione finale – 15 Maggio 2021
· data presunta di pubblicazione del numero speciale – 15 Agosto 2021
Sperando in una vostra numerosa partecipazione, vi salutiamo cordialmente
Daniela Boldini, Andrea Franza e Giulia Viggiani
Guest Editors of the TUST Special Issue
Decreto istituzione Commissione di esperti PNR 2021-2027
Ai fini della definizione della proposta di un Programma Nazionale per la Ricerca 2021-2027, da rendersi entro il 30 giugno 2020, il Ministro dell’Università e della Ricerca ha istituito una Commissione di esperti, la cui composizione per configurazioni tematiche è elencata nell’allegato.
Per la tematica Sicurezza per i Sistemi Sociali – Sicurezza sistemi naturali è componente della Commissione per il S.S.D. ICAR/07 Geotecnica il Prof. Francesco Castelli.
Documento allegato: decreto.0000544.24-04-2020
Borsa di dottorato presso Laboratorio 3SR, Université Grenoble Alpes (Francia)
Il Laboratorio 3DR dell’Université Grenoble Alpes (Francia) offre una posizione di dottorato sul tema “A micro-mechanical approach to cemented granular materials” – supervisori Alessandro Tengattini, Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani, Pierre Bésuelle.
Scadenza per le candidature: 31 maggio 2020.
Maggiori informazioni nell’allegato:
Bando assegno di ricerca presso la sezione INGV di Pisa
Vi segnaliamo un bando di assegno di ricerca professionalizzante presso la sezione INGV di Pisa, della durata di 12 mesi, con tema: “Installazione e gestione di un sistema di monitoraggio wireless su frane soggette a riattivazione sismica ed elaborazione, post-processing e interpretazione dei dati acquisiti nell’ambito del progetto FRASI”
Scadenza presentazione domanda: 15 maggio 2020
L’assegno prevede le seguenti attività:
– Installazione del sistema Wireless Sensor Network for Ground Instability Monitoring (Wi-GIM) su una frana in area sismica;
– Gestione del cluster Wi-GIM installato;
– Elaborazione e post-processing dei dati raccolti e loro interpretazione;
– Confronto con altre tecnologie volte a misurare spostamenti superficiali in frane soggette a riattivazione sismica;
– Raccolta dati sulla frana oggetto di studio.
PhD and Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The Geotechnics research group in Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, is looking for PhD students and Postdoctoral Researchers in Infrastructure Geotechnics (max. two positions each). The applicants are expected to be passionate about introducing/developing the state-of-the-art of modelling and testing of coupled processes (thermo-hydro-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering. The current research projects in infrastructure geotechnics include application of deep mixing under road and railway embankments and bottom support of excavations, as well as modelling natural and man-made slopes etc. These are problems where the coupling of mechanical, hydraulic and thermal response, as well as soil-structure interaction, is important. The applicants are expected to engage with industry, to create innovative solutions for major stakeholders. In parallel with research, the applicants are expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate or Masters level (typically max. 10%-20% of their time), with focus on Geotechnical Engineering. The positions are temporary research positions (4-5 years for PhD, 2 years for Postdoc), fully funded by external research projects.
More information on the positions and how to apply:
PhD student positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics:
Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics: