Webinar: SANISAND-F: A fabric-based sand constitutive framework within anisotropic critical state theory (University of Liverpool – 13 October 2020)
The University of Liverpool Division of Civil Engineering invites to the following webinar:
SANISAND-F: A fabric-based sand constitutive framework within anisotropic critical state theory
by Dr Alexandros Petalas, Imperial College
Tuesday 13 October 2020 12.00 BST (13.00 CET)
Details of how to register can be found at the following link
Workshop-Webinar “Sicurezza delle Infrastrutture”, Perugia, 15-16 ottobre 2020
Si invitano tutti i Ricercatori interessati a partecipare al Workshop sul tema della “Sicurezza delle Infrastrutture”, organizzato dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università di Perugia, nei giorni giovedì 15 ottobre (dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 13:00) e venerdì 16 ottobre (dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 13:00).
Il Workshop si svolgerà in modalità teleconferenza via Windows Teams.
Per ricevere l’invito a partecipare al Workshop è necessario scrivere una e-mail a manuela.cecconi@unipg.it entro martedì 13 ottobre p.v.
3rd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, 22 – 24 June 2021, Athens (Greece)
La terza International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2021) è prevista per il 22-24 giugno 2021 ad Atene (Grecia).
Il Comitato Scientifico ricorda che la scadenza della call for abstracts è il 25 ottobre 2020, nell’auspicio che la conferenza si tenga come da programma a giugno 2021 ad Atene o venga tutt’al più rinviata al 2022 in caso di impedimenti dovuti al COVID-19.
Locandina/Call for abstracts: Abstracts_flyer_ICONHIC2021
Per maggiori informazioni: iconhic.com/2021
Founded in 2016, the conference emerged in response to the ever-growing need for a landmark event that will gather together a broad field of expertise, aiming to prevent and reduce the risk of extreme natural events and their aftermaths on infrastructure. Sponsored by international industrial partners and institutions, who worked hand-in-hand with the academia to deliver an event that fosters collaboration between different stakeholders, ICONHIC2016 and ICONHIC2019 attracted a large number of attendees from all over the world, coming from exceptionally diverse technical or business backgrounds, with one overarching goal: to prepare within the constantly changing and highly uncertain environmental conditions and develop future-ready societies, able to reduce risk & manage disruption.
Following its evolution philosophy, the ICONHIC 2021 edition ventures the step forward: to build upon facilitative dialogue and strong synergies and propose an informed and realistic course of action against catastrophic natural events.
Webinar: Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines (University of Liverpool – 15 September 2020)
The University of Liverpool Division of Civil Engineering invites to the following webinar:
Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines by Professor Britta Bienen, University of Western Australia
Tuesday 15 September 2020 12.00 BST (13.00 CET)
Details of how to register can be found at the following link
Invitation for AGERP inaugural panel discussion
The AGERP (Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: from Research to Practice) Organising Committee is pleased to invite you to the panel discussion 1 of the series, which will be on “Career Prospects in Geotechnical Engineering: Academia and Industry“. This is scheduled on 11th September 2020 (20:00-21:30 AEST). Registration (free and mandatory) for this lecture closes at 00:00, 10th September 2020 (AEST).
For this panel discussion we will be joined by Ms. Lydia Gentle (Engineering Manager, BHP, Australia), Professor G.L.S. Babu (Professor, Indian Institute of Science; President, Indian Geotechnical Society, India), Dr. Anne-Catherine Dieudonné (Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands), Dr. Luis Alberto Torres-Cruz (Senior Lecturer, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa), Dr. Robert C. Bachus (Senior Principal Engineer, Geosyntec Consultants, USA).
To know more about the panelists please visit: www.age-rp.com/panel-discussion
Further info and registration (free but mandatory): https://www.age-rp.com/registration
Borsa di dottorato presso University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – UK
Title: Micromechanics of cracking of clay subjected to air drying and/or gas breakthrough
Duration: 3 years
Start date: from 01/10/2020 to 31/12/2020
Stipend: £1270/month
Eligibility: Applications from UK/EU applicants only, First Class Honours (or equivalent)
Where: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Supervisors: Dr Matteo Pedrotti (https://www.strath.ac.uk/staff/pedrottimatteomr/) and Professor Alessandro Tarantino (https://www.strath.ac.uk/staff/tarantinoalessandroprof/)
Contact: matteo.pedrotti@strath.ac.uk
Project summary
This 3-year PhD at the University of Strathclyde will focus on investigating the mechanisms at the micro/particle scale underpinning the process of crack formation in clay associated with air drying and/or exposure of the clay interface to gas at high pressure.
The research will mainly be experimentally-based and the PhD candidate will make use of state of the art technologies for the investigation of the clay microstructure including X-Ray Computed Tomography, Environmental Scanning Microscopy, and Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry.
Despite 100 years of research on the macro-mechanical behaviour of clay, we are still largely ignoring underlying mechanisms at the particle scale. Clay micromechanics involves the understanding of the configuration of elements (particles) and the forces controlling the kinematics of such elements. Clay micromechanics (including the evolution of particle configuration in clays when subjected to mechanical loading) has rarely been investigated explicitly and is a young and rapidly growing discipline in the field of soil mechanics.
Besides joining a vibrant geotechnical community at Strathclyde, the candidate will join the International Research Centre For Clay Micromechanics (https://www.irccm.net ) which will provide the opportunity for international collaborations and to spend a period abroad in one of the partner universities (i.e. Chalmers University of Technology – Sweden, University of Twente – The Netherlands, Université Grenoble Alpes – France, University of Brasilia – Brazil, Politecnico di Bari – Italy, Technical University of Denmark – Denmark) .
Industrial contacts will be mainly focused, but not only, towards the Carbon Storage and Sequestration sector.
Webinar: Adaptive Finite Element Methods
The University of Liverpool Division of Civil Engineering invites to the following webinar:
Adaptive Finite Element Methods by Dr Majid Nazem, RMIT University, Australia
Tuesday 1 Sept 2020 12.00 BST (13.00 CET)
Details of how to register can be found here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4515941137085/WN_4tFhmI2ISH6Tk6EfWdKbow