PostDoc position in Computational Geomechanics and Multiscale Modelling at UFZ (Germany)
The Department of Environmental Informatics at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), whose main base is in Leipzig (Germany), is seeking at the earliest possible date a PostDoc in Computational Geomechanics and Multiscale Modelling.
Energy and environmental aspects of geoscience remain the greatest challenges that our society will face in the coming decades. To provide a numerical tool for environmental protection (e.g. sub-surface integrity) and energy transition (e.g. underground energy storage), Department of Environmental Informatics develops an open-source Finite Element platform, OpenGeoSys in C++. The tool enables us to simulate multi-physical processes in sub-surface such as fluid and heat transport, or rock deformation and failure. For simulation of discontinuous deformation or crack propagation in rock, a variational phase-field (VPF) model has been adapted and implemented in OpenGeoSys (OGS-6). Within the GeomInt2 project ( the VPF method shall be further developed and applied to various applications such as field experiments in the Underground Research Laboratories and Mines in Mont Terri (Opalinus clay) and Springen (salt rock), respectively.
Closing date for applications: 22.11.2020
Place of work: Leipzig – More information here.
12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 18 to 22 September 2022
With great pleasure and honour the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI) and the Italian Chapter of IGS (AGI-IGS) invite you to attend the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, 12 ICG, which will be held in Roma, Italy, from 18 to 22 September 2022.
The geosynthetics and geotechnical engineering community has reached full awareness over the last two decades, and the whole geosynthetics industry has focused on the sustainable use of geosynthetics in a variety of innovative as well as consolidated applications. After Sustainability, the ability to overcome the natural events effects, often related to climate change, and human activities forced to refer to a new keyword: Resiliency.
Hence 12 ICG intends to become the base for the next step and the conference theme will be: Geosynthetics, Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet.
The conference topics will address, through general and parallel sessions, keynote lectures and invited presentation, the most recent developments in geosynthetics, stimulating fruitful technical and scientific interaction among academicians, professionals, manufacturers, students.
Seminario in modalità telematica – Nonlinear dynamic analyses of embankment dams – Prof. R.W. Boulanger – Università dell’Aquila – 11 novembre
Mercoledì 11 novembre p.v. alle ore 16:30 si terrà, nell’ambito del corso di “Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering” dell’Università dell’Aquila, un seminario in modalità telematica dal titolo “Nonlinear dynamic analyses of embankment dams” tenuto dal Prof. Ross W. Boulanger della University of California at Davis. In allegato la locandina del seminario, secondo della serie di seminari organizzati nell’ambito del summenzionato corso e collocati tra le attività formative del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale dell’Università dell’Aquila.
Si invitano tutti gli interessati a partecipare gratuitamente all’evento, registrandosi mediante la compilazione del seguente modulo:
Allegato: EGE_seminar_univaq_Boulanger
Workshop gratuito online “Shallow geothermal energy” – organizzato dall’Università di Milano – 30 novembre – 3 dicembre 2020
Si invitano tutti i colleghi interessati (docenti e ricercatori, studenti di dottorato, professionisti) a partecipare al Workshop internazionale online intitolato “Shallow geothermal energy: from the ground to buildings, from the field to modelling“, organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Milano, nei giorni dal 30 novembre al 3 dicembre 2020. La partecipazione è gratuita previa iscrizione.
Per ulteriori dettagli, si veda il programma allegato:
Post-doc position at the University of Warwick (UK)
Applications are invited for a full-time Post-Doctoral Researcher position in the area of applied geomechanics at the University of Warwick (UK). The successful applicant will join the Ground Engineering Research Group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on a large multi-disciplinary research project entitled “From Mining Waste to Valuable Resource: New Concepts for a Circular Economy” (MINRESCUE). The work will be conducted under the supervision of the project coordinator Dr Mohammad Rezania.
More details in the attached file: PostdocPosition-MINRESCUE
Seminario in modalità telematica – Non-invasive seismic test – Prof. S. Foti – Università dell’Aquila – 21 ottobre
Il 21 ottobre p.v. alle ore 9:20 si terrà, nell’ambito del corso di “Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering” dell’Università dell’Aquila, un seminario in modalità telematica dal titolo “Non-invasive seismic test” tenuto dal Prof. Sebastiano Foti del Politecnico di Torino. In allegato la locandina del seminario, primo di una serie di seminari organizzati nell’ambito del summenzionato corso e collocati tra le attività formative del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale dell’Università dell’Aquila.
Si invitano tutti gli studenti interessati a partecipare gratuitamente all’evento, registrandosi mediante la compilazione del seguente modulo:
Allegato: Locandina_EGE_univaq_Foti
Postdoctoral position at GeoRessources laboratory, Nancy, France
The Multiscale-Hydro-Geomechanics group of the GeoRessources laborarory, Nancy, France, welcomes applications for a Postdoctoral Position for 12 months.
The research involves the study and modeling of hydromechanical couplings during gas migration in saturated clayey rocks at mesoscopic scales. The position is funded by a CNRS post-doctoral contract and is part of a larger EU project (EURAD) that aims to mobilize academic research on major nuclear-related issues.
Please find further details in the attached file:
Post-Doc position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
Hydro-mechanical instabilities in low permeability geomaterials
The topic deals with the experimental identification of quantitative interactions between the micro-structure of low permeability geomaterials, the heterogeneous fluid flow through them and their deformation. In particular coupled hydro-mechanical instabilities, say couplings between fluid fingering and strain localization, will be quantitatively investigated. The study is developed within the framework of the ANR project called «STOWENG» underground STOrage of reneWable ENergies in low permeability Geomaterials.
Starting date: 2021-01-01
More information in the attached file: PostDoc_ECN_2021