4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV) – Beijing (China) 2022 – Call for abstracts
The 4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV), organized under the auspices of the TC203 of ISSMGE, will be held on July 15-17, 2022 in Beijing (China).
The call for abstract is now open, until July 1, 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full manuscripts by November 1, 2021. Peer reviews will be returned to the authors for final submission of camera-ready versions by February 15, 2022.
More information in the attachment and at the conference website http://www.pbd-iv2021.com
AGERP’21 – Lecture on “Mechanically Stabilised Earth” – 16th April 2021
The organising committee of Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: From Research to Practice (AGERP) Lecture Series is pleased to invite you to the 1st lecture of the 2nd edition of AGERP Lecture Series (AGERP’21). The first lecture will be on ‘Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Walls’. This lecture will be jointly delivered by Prof. Emeritus Richard J. Bathurst (GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC, Canada) and Ms. Chaido (Yuli) Doulala-Rigby (Tensar International Corporation, UK).
Lecture 1 is scheduled to be hosted on 16th April 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time-AEST) with registration for this lecture closing at 00:00, 15th April 2021 (AEST).
You may find further info. and register (free but mandatory) here: https://www.age-rp.com/
For further information, please refer to the attached flyer.
Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at University of Sheffield (UK)
The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK is inviting applications from outstanding candidates for the position of Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, to help shape our research activity and taught programmes. While applications from all areas of geotechnics – whether numerical or physical – are welcome, we seek a talented individual who can relate their research vision to impact on key challenges such as infrastructure performance/resilience, adaptation of geotechnical systems for an evolving climate, low carbon development/management, decarbonisation of energy production, and integration of digital technologies.
Further information and an application link can be found below:
The closing date for applications is 4th May 2021. Informal enquiries can be made to Elisabeth Bowman, Reader in Geomechanics, at e.bowman@sheffield.ac.uk.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems at Durham University (UK)
The Department of Engineering at Durham University (UK) is advertising a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems position. The postdoctoral researcher will work on a British Council funded project entitled “Floating hybrid renewable energy systems in Turkey”. This project aims to develop a design for hybrid floating wind turbine solar energy foundation systems. The project involves collaboration with the Middle East Technical University and industry partners in Turkey. The postdoctoral researcher will carry out advanced numerical simulations to predict the response of the foundations and the anchorage systems.
The employment contract will be up to 16/02/2023 (about 23 months). The deadline for the application is 22 April 2021. More details can be found at:
Numero speciale di ‘Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment’ su ‘Innovative Numerical Methods for Soil Internal Erosion Processes’
La rivista Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment propone un numero speciale sul tema Innovative Numerical Methods for Soil Internal Erosion Processes, curato dai proff. Donatella Sterpi del Politecnico di Milano e Carlo Callari dell’Università del Molise.
– Submission opening on June 1, 2021
– Submission closing on September 30, 2021
Ulteriori informazioni all’indirizzo:
Faculty Positions in Geotechnical Engineering at the National University of Singapore
The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering of the National University of Singapore invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in Geotechnical Engineering, on areas related to Urban Sustainable Development and Climate Change. The candidate should hold a doctorate in civil engineering, preferably with background and experience in, but not limited to, one or more of the following geotechnical domain expertise: underground space, land creation, sustainable geo-materials and coastal resilience. Additional skills and knowledge in data analytics and machine learning will be highly advantageous. Relevant industry experience and professional qualifications (e.g. professional engineer) will be considered favorably. The opening is at the Assistant Professor or Lecturer level. Exceptionally well qualified applicants may be considered at the Associate Professor level.
More information in the attachmeent:
Assistant Professor in Offshore Geotechnics (Durham University, UK)
The Department of Engineering at Durham University (UK) is currently undergoing a period of strategic growth and is looking to fill nine new academic posts across a range of specialisations at various academic levels. We welcome applications from outstanding individuals with research and teaching interests in the following area:
Offshore Geotechnics – Assistant Professor grade 7/8
Durham University has demonstrated genuine international research leadership in the areas of geotechnical research and computational mechanics. The Department of Engineering is well equipped with cutting-edge testing facilities for geo-mechanics research, which offers researchers unique opportunities. The Geotechnical Laboratory has advanced element test apparatus for characterisation of cyclic behaviour of soils. Durham University has several High Performance Computing resources, including Hamilton Linux clusters, with about 4800 CPU cores.
Applicants must demonstrate research excellence in the field of offshore geotechnics, with the ability to teach our students to an exceptional standard in a range of topics and to fully engage in the services, citizenship and values of the University. The University provides a working and teaching environment which is inclusive and welcoming and where everyone is treated fairly with dignity and respect. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate these key principles as part of the assessment process.
Start Date: ideally 1 October 2021
12th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course – 18-20 May 2021 (+ 13 & 20 April), online
The 12th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course 2021: “Looking into the rhizosphere: the interface between plant science and soil mechanics” will be held online on 18-20 May 2021. It is organised in five sessions. The course will be preceded by preparatory lectures organised in four sessions over two days, 13 and 20 April 2021.
The course is organised by the Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology (ALERT), the University of Strathclyde (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Department of Geotechnical Engineering & Geosciences), CIMNE (Geomechanics Group) and TERRE Network.
The course is coordinated by Alessandro Tarantino (University of Strathclyde) and Enrique Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
The course is free of charge for participants affiliated to institutions member of ALERT Geomaterials. The web platform to register is not yet opened but registrations can already be made by email (see attachment).
More information in the attachment: OZC2021_Programme-v10
International Webinar on Rock Mechanics – March-April 2021
Some Young Members of different ISRM National Groups (France, Italy, Paraguay, and Spain) are organizing a series of international webinars on rock mechanics, with the aim of involving young researchers in different educational activities. They are contacting other ISRM National Groups to involve more countries in this initiative.
A tentative program has been created, and some online lectures have already been scheduled for the upcoming months. The flyer of the first programmed webinar, which is organized by the Young Members’ Group (Groupe de travail CFMR-Jeunes) of the ISRM French National Group is attached here.
The first session will take place on 11 March and you can register for free. It will include two contributions:
– Thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of clay-rock in deep radioactive waste repositories
Philipp Braun (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
– Site investigation and design of protective structures in an unstable area in the city of Majukavo-Mayotte-France
Mohammed Annakib (Université de Rennes)
Upcoming dates:
01 April 2021
Relating physical and mechanical properties to temperature induced damage in carbonate rocks
Federico Vagnon (Università di Torino)
link al modulo di iscrizione
22 April 2021
The influence of sample geometry and testing conditions on mode I fracture toughness of rock
Andrea Muñoz-Ibáñez (Universidade da Coruña)
Attachment: International_Webinar_on_Rock_Mechanics_session_01
Third international symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites – Napoli 22-24 giugno 2022 – Call for papers
Il 3rd International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites, organizzato dall’AGI e dal TC 301 dell’ISSMGE, si terrà a Napoli, dal 22 al 24 giugno 2022.
L’evento si rivolge non solo agli ingegneri geotecnici ma anche agli specialisti di tutte le discipline coinvolte nella salvaguardia e nella conservazione dei monumenti e dei siti storici. Le tematiche che il convegno si propone di affrontare sono descritte nella locandina allegata, e spaziano dai principi generali della conservazione dei monumenti, alle indagini e al monitoraggio di casi esemplari, agli effetti dello sviluppo urbano e degli eventi naturali sul patrimonio costruito, alle tecniche di mitigazione del rischio.
Il convegno inoltre ospiterà la terza Kerisel Lecture, dedicata dalla ISSMGE al pioniere dell’applicazione dell’ingegneria geotecnica alla conservazione dei monumenti.
La call for papers è aperta e i sommari vanno sottoposti attraverso il sito del convegno, sul quale saranno rese disponibili tutte le ulteriori informazioni.
Locandina: TC-301-IS-NAPLES-2022-First-bulletin
Sito web del convegno: https://tc301-napoli.org/