Premio di tesi dottorato “Prof. Giuseppe Grandori”
È stato pubblicato il bando al Premio di Dottorato intitolato al Prof. Giuseppe Grandori.
Giuseppe Grandori (1921-2011) è stato Professore Emerito del Politecnico di Milano, dove ha insegnato la Scienza delle Costruzioni per decenni. È stato inoltre Fondatore dell’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia e Presidente della International Association of Earthquake Engineering (IAEE).
Si tratta di due premi, di 5000 € ciascuno, da assegnare a neo-dottori di ricerca su tematiche legate all’Ingegneria Sismica. Possono partecipare gli studenti che abbiano conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca presso una Università italiana nel periodo dal 1 gennaio 2020 al 31 ottobre 2021. La scadenza di presentazione della domanda è il 4 novembre 2021.
Il testo del bando è disponibile al link:[id]=1709
Corso CISM – Analisi e gestione delle acque interstiziali nei pendii in materiale sciolto – 24-25 giugno 2021
Scholarships – MSc programme “Civil Engineering for the Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards” – University of Pavia and IUSS Pavia
Four scholarships of 3.220 Euro/year each have been made available by the University School for Advanced studies IUSS Pavia to students who will enroll in the MSc programme “Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards” in the academic year 2021-2022. The MSc programme is jointly offered by the University of Pavia and IUSS Pavia, and the call for applications is published at the site .
The deadline for application to the scholarships is the 26th of June 2021.
The MSc programme “Civil Engineering for Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards”, entirely taught in English, aims at providing higher-level education to meet the ever-growing demand for expertise in the field of civil engineering applied to the reduction of seismic and hydrogeological risk. The programme has two curricula: Reduction of Seismic Risk (ROSE, which is the evolution of the well-known ROSE School Master Programme) and Hydrogeological Risk Assessment and Mitigation (HYRIS, which is a recent addition to the MSc).
The MSc offers high quality training by combining the expertise of the local academic staff with that of qualified international experts invited to teach selected courses.
Post-doctoral researcher opportunity at the University of Nottingham (UK)
The Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics (NCG) is currently undertaking two large multi-disciplinary projects related to investigating the behaviour of coal-mining spoil materials with a focus on the geotechnical, sustainability, environmental, socio-economic and long-term management challenges. NCG seeks a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to work on this challenging project.
Candidates should be inquisitive, with a strong interest in applied research, and the personality and drive to interact effectively with industry and project partners. They will have a first degree in Civil Engineering or cognate subject and will have been awarded a PhD (or have submitted their thesis for examination), ideally in an area of Geotechnical Engineering. The successful candidate will have good presentation and report writing skills. A good publication record will be an advantage but its absence should not hinder applications from those who have recently submitted their theses.
For application details see:
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geotechnical Engineering (University Of Alberta – Canada)
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta (Canada) invites applications to a tenure-track or tenured position with expertise in energy geotechnics research. The Faculty will consider an Assistant, Associate or Full Professor appointment. The successful candidate will collaborate with the Reservoir Geomechanics Research Group and contribute to the ongoing growth of our GeoInnovation Environments: GeoREF (high temperature/pressure experimental lab), GeoCERF (beam centrifuge research facility), GeoPRINT(3D printing of rocks and fractures) and GeoRMT(reservoir geomechanical modeling platform).
Applicants are invited to submit their curriculum vitae including employment history, a statement outlining research and teaching experience and areas of interest, a brief description of major contributions to teaching and research, reprints of at least three representative research papers, and the names of at least three referees to:
Dr. Simaan AbouRizk, Department Chair
The competition will remain open until the position is filled. Review of applications and selection of short-listed candidates will begin June 1st. The anticipated start date is to be mutually agreed upon.
For further information:
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer – Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) – (UNSW Canberra Australia)
This position is open to female applicants only. UNSW (Canberra, Australia) is permitted to designate and recruit women to a number of STEM academic roles at UNSW Canberra as a ‘measure intended to achieve equality’ within the meaning of section 27 of the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).
The School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) is seeking applications for a full-time position in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical). This role will contribute to course and program delivery, development and innovation, in a team-teaching environment. The position will conduct impactful multidisciplinary research and educating the next generation of Australian leaders and scholars in this important and growing field.
Applications Close: 11:30pm, 6 June 2021
For further information please visit UNSW Canberra website and
Ciclo di seminari online del Prof. Rollins – Università G. d’Annunzio, giugno 2021
Vi segnaliamo il ciclo di seminari che il Prof. Kyle M. Rollins (Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah) terrà il prossimo mese di giugno sui temi “Liquefaction and Lateral Spread” e “Ground Improvement for Earthquake Engineering“.
I seminari sono organizzati dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia dell’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara in modalità telematica.
I dettagli sono riportati nella locandina allegata: Webinars_June_2021_Prof. Rollins
Vacancy on computational geomechanics at BAW (Germany)
About the position: vacancy for a 3-year R&D project within computational geomechanics at BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute Department of Geotechnical Engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany. The R&D-position’s main objective is to improve open source geomechanical analysis tools and to qualify the candidate for research positions.
Duties of the position: The R&D project aims at the validation and further development of poroMechanicalFoam, an openFOAM based FVM-model for hydro-mechanical analysis of flow-structure-soil interactions considering variable soil saturation. Based on analytical solutions and experimental data the impact of spatial and temporal discretization on robustness and accuracy shall be determined. The model performance shall be tested based on case studies from the geotechnical engineering practice at BAW considering representative aspects among others anisotropy of the mechanic and/or hydraulic properties, advanced soil material models (bounding surface plasticity), variable saturation and gas entrapment below the phreatic surface. In the final stage predictable failure mechanisms are to be addressed within the framework of the second order work concept. If desired, there is possibility for laboratory tests for characterization of soil properties and or/ identification of aspects yet not properly captured in poroMechanicalFoam.
Required selection criteria: The qualification requirement is a completed a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a strong academic background in engineering/physics or closely related discipline.
More information in the attachment: R&D Project – computational geomechanics – BAW