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Ciclo di seminari online del Prof. Rollins – Università G. d’Annunzio, giugno 2021

Vi segnaliamo il ciclo di seminari che il Prof. Kyle M. Rollins (Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah) terrà il prossimo mese di giugno sui temi “Liquefaction and Lateral Spread” e “Ground Improvement for Earthquake Engineering“.

I seminari sono organizzati dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia dell’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara in modalità telematica.

I dettagli sono riportati nella locandina allegata: Webinars_June_2021_Prof. Rollins

Vacancy on computational geomechanics at BAW (Germany)

About the position: vacancy for a 3-year R&D project within computational geomechanics at BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute Department of Geotechnical Engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany. The R&D-position’s main objective is to improve open source geomechanical analysis tools and to qualify the candidate for research positions.

Duties of the position: The R&D project aims at the validation and further development of poroMechanicalFoam, an openFOAM based FVM-model for hydro-mechanical analysis of flow-structure-soil interactions considering variable soil saturation. Based on analytical solutions and experimental data the impact of spatial and temporal discretization on robustness and accuracy shall be determined. The model performance shall be tested based on case studies from the geotechnical engineering practice at BAW considering representative aspects among others anisotropy of the mechanic and/or hydraulic properties, advanced soil material models (bounding surface plasticity), variable saturation and gas entrapment below the phreatic surface. In the final stage predictable failure mechanisms are to be addressed within the framework of the second order work concept. If desired, there is possibility for laboratory tests for characterization of soil properties and or/ identification of aspects yet not properly captured in poroMechanicalFoam.

Required selection criteria: The qualification requirement is a completed a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a strong academic background in engineering/physics or closely related discipline.

More information in the attachmentR&D Project – computational geomechanics – BAW

XVI LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”: 6 – 17 Settembre 2021

XVI LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation”
6 – 17 Settembre 2021, Università di Salerno
On-line Course, 6 ore di lezione giornaliere, a partire dalle 10:00 CET

LARAM è una scuola internazionale su “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” fondata dall’Università degli Studi di Salerno nel 2005. Il Comitato Scientifico 2018-2021 è composto da esperti internazionali nel campo del Rischio da Frana provenienti da 15 diversi Paesi. La Scuola è rivolta a 40 dottorandi selezionati ogni anno tra coloro che operano nel campo dell’ingegneria civile, dell’ingegneria ambientale, dell’engineering geology o con un background ingegneristico simile. Dal 2006 più di 600 studenti provenienti da più di 200 Università hanno frequentato la LARAM School. 

LARAM è aperta a Dottorandi e a giovani Post-Doc.

La SCADENZA per la domanda/registrazione è lunedì 28 giugno 2021

  • Domanda per dottorandi
  • Registrazione per giovani Post-Doc (Dottorato completato non prima del 2016)

Se ci sono potenziali partecipanti (dottorandi o giovani post-doc) della vostra Università interessati a partecipare a questa edizione, visitate la pagina web LARAM (

Se siete a conoscenza di vostri colleghi di altre Università/Dipartimenti che potrebbero avere potenziali partecipanti alla LARAM 2021, vi preghiamo di inoltrare queste informazioni.

Maggiori informazioni alla pagina:

ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2021 – Call for abstracts

Vi trasmettiamo la call for abstracts per la sessione “Bridging the gap between experiments and modelling: from laboratory testing to material models prediction” dell’Alert Geomaterials Workshop 2021. La sessione è coordinata da Béatrice Baudet, Federica Cotecchia e Cristina Jommi.

La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract (extended deadline) è il 20 giugno 2021.

AllegatoALERT 2021 call_abstracts final

Pagina web del workshop:

Research Assistant/Associate at Newcastle University (UK)

Applications are invited for a post of Research Assistant/Research Associate, in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University (UK) in the area of computational geotechnics. The successful applicant will join the ACHILLES Programme at Newcastle University to carry out high-quality research on infrastructure embankments and the impacts of climate change.

The application is open until the 18th May 2021.

“Masterclass course” for MSc and MEng students on Offshore Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering – Imperial College (London)

Since 2010 the Imperial College Geotechnics Group has been arranging, along with the Society for Underwater Technology, a one day “Masterclass course” to be given on Offshore Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering at Imperial College.

This year, the course will be held over two days remotely on MS Teams and we are very pleased to be able to extend the invitation to attend (usually restricted to UK participants) to MSc and final year MEng students from selected European universities.

The dates for this year’s course have been set for Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th June 2021, from 12.00pm to 3.00pm on Wednesday and from 12.00pm to 4.00pm on Thursday (programme attached).

The course will be free to all MSc and MEng students who register with us by mid-May.


AttachmentSUT OSIG MSc Day 2021 Schedule


CPT’22 – Bologna, 8-10 giugno 2022 – call for abstracts

The 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing – CPT’22 is going to be held in Bologna on 8-10 June 2022.

CPT’22, organized under the auspices of the ISSMGE Technical Committee TC102, follows the successful symposia held in Delft, The Netherlands (2018), Las Vegas, Nevada USA (2014), Huntington Beach, California USA (2010) and Linköping, Sweden (1995).

The symposium website is now available online and will be constantly updated with all relevant information.

The call for abstracts is now open. Prospective Authors are kindly invited to submit abstracts via the online submission system, together with the submission guidelines. The abstract submission deadline is: April 30th 2021 – extended to May 31st 2021.

Ciclo di lezioni tenute dal prof. Gazetas – UniSannio 7-10-14 maggio 2021

Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università del Sannio ha organizzato un ciclo di lezioni sull’Interazione Terreno-Struttura tenute dal prof. George Gazetas, professore emerito presso la National Technical University of Athens.

In allegato la locandina del seminario, a cui è possibile partecipare mediante la compilazione del seguente modulo:

Le lezioni si svolgeranno in modalità telematica nei giorni 7-10-14 maggio 2021 dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 18.00.

Allegato: Flyer_University of Sannio_Gazetas

ISSMGE Virtual University

Vi segnaliamo l’iniziativa “ISSMGE Virtual University – An Open Access Educational Platform” (

The Virtual University is an initiative launched by President Charles Ng. The current OpenEdX platform was developed by the Innovation and Development Committee chaired by Dimitrios Zekkos, with oversight from the Board and was publically made available in March 2020. The objective of the Virtual University is to provide open source, high quality technical content that can be used by engineers of practice, as well as undergraduate and graduate students all around the world.

The Virtual University includes, free courses, webinars, as well as short educational videos, and is integrated with the open-access Online Library of ISSMGE. The content of the Virtual University will continue to be updated through various initiatives of ISSMGE, and with the support of its Technical Committees, conference organizers and Member Societies.

L’ultimo seminario in ordine di tempo, disponibile sulla piattaforma, è stato tenuto dal prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli dell’Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasile) sul tema “Experiences in Sustainable Geotechnics” (

GEER webinar on Port of Beirut Explosion – April 28, 2021

Vi segnaliamo  un webinar organizzato da GEER (Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association Turning Disaster into Knowledge – Sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation) sulle conseguenze dell’esplosione di Agosto 2020 al Porto di Beirut. Il webinar è gratuito e si terrà il 28 aprile, in orario serale per l’Italia.

Durante il webinar si mostreranno le conseguenze strutturali e geotecniche dell’esplosione e si farà vedere come poter utilizzare dati satellitari e tecnologie innovative in scenari post-disastro.

Ulteriori informazioni nella locandina: GEER Port of Beirut Webinar

GEER website


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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