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Two positions of Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology

1) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geo-Monitoring and Data Analytics (tenure track). The position is proposed to develop advanced knowledge of the response of geostructures from data analytics, and improve current life-cycle design and assessment models. This requires an understanding of how climate change and increasing demographic pressure impact the life cycle of critical geostructures, and of how to extract relevant geotechnical information from multi-year and multiscale data streams.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geo-Monitoring-and-Data-Analytics

2) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Uncertainty (tenure track). The position is proposed to investigate soil mechanical material behaviour accounting for uncertainties relating to, for example, measurements, statistics, transformation from measured to derived properties, and external (including environmental) loadings. It takes into consideration the random, spatial and systematic components of uncertainty, as well as uncertainties relating to the cross-correlations of material properties and multi-physical couplings, and develops new solutions to better control and reduce the geotechnical uncertainty and risk in geotechnical assessments and construction processes.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geotechnical-Uncertainty

Corso del Prof. Chopra – 15th BW – ICOLD, Politecnico di Milano, 12 settembre 2019

Gli organizzatori del 15th ICOLD – International Benchmark Workshop on Numerical Analysis of Dams (Politecnico di Milano, 9-12 settembre 2019) vi invitano a partecipare al corso tenuto dal Prof. Anil Chopra (Berkeley University) dal titolo “Modern methods for nonlinear earthquake response history analysis of concrete dams“, 12 settembre 2019, 9.30-17.00, Politecnico di Milano.
Vi ricordano anche che due dei tre benchmark proposti quest’anno sono stati formulati da gruppi italiani di ricercatori geotecnici. Tutte le informazioni sul Workshop sono sul sito web: https://www.eko.polimi.it/index.php/icold-bw2019

Locandina corso: ICOLD 15th BW Milano_CNI_CorsoChopra_v01

Locandina workshop: ICOLD 15th BW Milan_SixthCall

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Division of Geology and Geotechnics at Chalmers is looking for an Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering who is passionate about pushing the state-of-the-art of modelling coupled processes (thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering applications. You will join a diverse gender-balanced research group with ambition to become internationally leading in Geotechnical Engineering with focus on natural geomaterials.

As Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer, you will contribute to teaching and development of the educational portfolio both at undergraduate and Masters levels, as well as providing education as part of Continuous Professional Development to the industry. In parallel, you will conduct your brand of research independently.

Details and how to apply: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/Working-at-Chalmers/Vacancies/Pages/default.aspx?rmpage=job&rmjob=7620

Application deadline: 11 August, 2019

PhD position on granular mechanics available in Grenoble

Vi trasmettiamo il seguente annuncio, ricevuto dal Prof. Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani dell’Université Grenoble Alpes.

We (Edward Andò and Cino Viggiani) are looking for outstanding candidates for a PhD project we have that is starting this October at Laboratoire 3SR, Grenoble. It’s to do with packing and deformation problems in granular materials varying shape and friction, as well as Level Set DEM. The PhD is within a European grant which includes some industry contacts and a secondment in Germany.

See pdf file for further details and how to apply: CALIPER_AnnouncementText_ESR8

Application deadline: 15th August, 2019

XIII International Symposium on Landslides – Cartagena (Colombia) – call for short papers – scadenza ravvicinata

Il XIII Simposio Internazionale sulle Frane, intitolato ‘Landslides and Sustainable Development’, si terrà dal 15 al 19 giugno 2020 a Cartagena, Colombia.

Abbiamo appreso che, al posto dell’usuale call for abstracts, gli organizzatori hanno pubblicato sul sito del simposio, www.scg.org.co/xiii-isl, un invito a sottoporre articoli brevi. La scadenza è fissata, al momento, al 29 luglio p.v.

2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics – La Jolla (California) – Call for abstracts

La seconda Conferenza Internazionale sulla Geotecnica per l’Energia si terrà a La Jolla (California) dal 20 al 23 settembre 2020 dal 28 al 31 marzo 2021, con il patrocinio del TC308 (Energy Geotechnics) dell’ISSMGE.

Il volantino allegato contiene la seconda call for abstracts, con scadenza il 31 luglio 2019, e altri dettagli utili. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito della conferenza: http://www.icegt-2020.org .

VolantinoICEGT 2020 – 2nd Call for Abstracts

CNRIG2019 tra 4 giorni – sommari delle keynote lectures e programma


Carissimi Ricercatori,
CNRIG2019 La Ricerca Geotecnica per la Protezione e lo Sviluppo del Territorio” – inizia il prossimo mercoledì, 3 luglio, presso il Polo Territoriale di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano.

Sul sito del convegno, alla pagina http://cnrig2019.polimi.it/programma-keynote, sono disponibili i sommari estesi delle keynote lectures.

Programma completo: CNRIG2019_programma_def

Sito web: http://cnrig2019.polimi.it

Vi aspettiamo a Lecco!

16th International Conference of IACMAG, Torino, 1 – 4 Luglio 2020 – Call for abstracts in scadenza

Vi ricordiamo la scadenza del 1° luglio 2019 per la call for abstracts della 16ma Conferenza Internazionale della International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) che si terrà a Torino dal 1° al 4 luglio 2020.

Ulteriori informazioni nel bollettino allegato: 16th-international-conference-of-iacmag-526  e sul sito della conferenza: www.iacmag2020.org

The aim of the conference is to give an up-to-date picture of the broad research field of computational geomechanics. Contributions from experts around the world will cover a wide range of research topics in geomechanics. The conference program will include plenary lectures, mini-symposia, selected oral and poster presentations. Pre-conference courses on June 29 and 30 will also be held in Milan and Grenoble.

CNRIG2019 – programma completo


Carissimi Ricercatori,
pubblichiamo il programma completo del CNRIG2019 La Ricerca Geotecnica per la Protezione e lo Sviluppo del Territorio” – che si terrà dal 3 al 5 Luglio 2019 presso il Polo Territoriale di Lecco del Politecnico di Milano.

Programma: CNRIG2019_programma_def

Sito web: http://cnrig2019.polimi.it

Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for a Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability. The position is proposed to improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings.

The closing date for applications is 1 September 2019

More information in the attachment: Professor-of-Experimental-Soil-Mechanics-for-Sustainability


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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