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EUROCK2021 – Turin 21 – 25 September 2021

The Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI), on appointment by the ISRM International Society of Rock Mechanics, is delighted to announce that Turin will host EUROCK 2021 – Mechanics and Rock Engineering from theory to practice – from 21 to 25 September 2021.

Due to COVID-19 outbreak and in order to give the chance to attend a new event with interesting and innovative researches, the conference has been rescheduled and will be organized in September 2021, almost one year from the new dates of the 2020 Eurock edition.

The abstract submission deadline has been postponed to 31 October 2020.

Conference websitehttps://eurock2021.com

Postdoc position at Delft University of Technology – Optimisation of offshore monopile installation

Applications are welcome for a 21-month postdoc position to investigate the optimisation of the monopiles installation process and to study the dynamic behaviour of soil during pile installation using the physical modelling facilities at TU Delft. The work will include design and implementation of advanced instrumentation for physical modelling studies. Test planning and data interpretation will be carried out in close collaboration with industry experts in the framework of BLUE piling project. Candidates should possess a PhD degree in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering or related areas, proven experience in geotechnical centrifuge testing, preferably including soil-structure interaction problems and dynamic loading, and excellent knowledge of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Acquaintance with offshore wind geotechnics is also appreciated (but not mandatory).

Full description of the position along with the details on how to apply can be found in the following link: https://www.tudelft.nl/over-tu-delft/werken-bij-tu-delft/vacatures/details/?nPostingId=598&nPostingTargetId=632&id=QEZFK026203F3VBQBLO6G68W9&LG=UK&mask=external

For more information about this vacancy please contact Dr. Amin Askarinejad: A.Askarinejad@tudelft.nl.

The closing date for the applications is August 9th, 2020.

5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields – September 9-11, 2021 Fukuoka, Japan

Il 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields si terrà a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel settembre 2021. Promosso dalle Associazioni Internazionali ISRM e IAEG, segue l’analogo Workshop svolto ad Ischia nel settembre 2015.

On behalf of the Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics and the Japan Society of Engineering Geology, the Organizing Committe is pleased to hold “RMEGV2021: 5th International Workshop on Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology in Volcanic Fields”.

The goals of this workshop are to promote the exchange of ideas and information among civil engineers and geologists regarding serious issues related to volcanic fields, and to find possible solutions to them, as well as to aid in the fusion of Civil Engineering and Geology in terms of applied volcanic science, including construction, environment, groundwater, disasters, and geothermal energy. Many resources can be found in the vicinity of volcanic fields, such as hydro-geothermal energy and groundwater. On the other hand, many natural disasters and other risks to infrastructure construction also exist due to the geoscientific and geotechnical features in these areas. Thus, civil engineers and engineering geologists strive to solve these problems based on the existing data on volcanic fields.

The themes of this workshop include volcanic geology, disasters and their mitigation, resources and energy in volcanic fields, mechanical behavior of volcanic rocks and soils, groundwater and environmental problems in volcanic fields, and geotechnical engineering in volcanic fields. It is our hope that many researchers/engineers involved in applied volcanic science will attend this workshop from all over the world, participate in deeply meaningful discussions, and create new global research connections.




Open Post-Doc positions at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (GeM Laboratory)

Post-doc offers at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (GeM Laboratory), ERC-StG Project “Controlling earthQuakes (CoQuake)”:

1 Post-Doc position in  “MULTISCALE NUMERICAL MODELING OF EARTHQUAKE FAULTS” (duration 1 to 2 years). Attached pdf

1 Post-Doc position in  “LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS OF EARTHQUAKE CONTROL” (duration 1 to 2 years). Attached pdf

The positions are open and will start upon agreement. Suitable, highly‐motivated candidates should send an application (including a CV, a cover letter describing interests and qualifications related to the offered position and contact details of two reference Professors, all compiled in a single pdf file) to ioannis.stefanou@ec-nantes.fr .

For more details see attached pdfs and http://coquake.eu/index.php/recruitment/ .

Apertura iscrizioni al 30° Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici (Bologna, 15 Ottobre 2020)

Si comunica che sono state aperte le iscrizioni alla trentesima edizione del Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici, organizzata dalla Sezione Italiana dell’International Geosynthetics Society (AGI-IGS) e che si terrà a Bologna il 15 ottobre 2020.  Il Convegno vuole celebrare l’ormai consolidato ruolo dei geosintetici nell’ingegneria moderna con un programma scientifico incentrato sulle prestazioni dei materiali e delle opere, attraverso contributi che mettano in luce il ruolo della comunità scientifica italiana pioniera della ricerca nel binomio Geosintetici-Geotecnica.

Programma: download
Scheda di iscrizione: download

Postdoctoral position at Heriot-Watt University (UK)

The Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering, at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project, funded by UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), with a focus on pore-scale numerical modelling of gas transport mechanisms. Details about the position can be found at the following addresses:

Post-doc position in energy geotechnics at Aarhus University (Denmark)

Applications are welcome for a 1.5-year post-doc position (with extension opportunities) to investigate the cyclic behaviour of a geomembrane energy storage system. The successful candidate will investigate the cyclic behaviour of energy storage technology recently developed in Denmark.

Candidates should possess a PhD degree in Civil/Geotechnical Engineering or related areas, proven experience in numerical modelling, preferably including soil-structure interaction problems and cyclic loading, and excellent knowledge of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Acquaintance with the finite element software ABAQUS® is appreciated (but not mandatory).

A more detailed description of the project can be found in the attached pdf.

The project will be conducted in a team with Professor Lars Vabbersgaard Andersen, Professor (Docent) Kenny Kataoka Sørensen and Assistant Professor Hans Henning Stutz. For more information about this vacancy, please contact Hans Henning Stutz (Main supervisor) hhs@eng.au.dk

The position will be available until it is filled.

Invitation to AGERP Lecture 4 on ‘Design of Pile Foundations’ (update)

The AGERP – Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: from Research to Practice – Organising Committee invites you to a lecture series which aims to disseminate the coupled learnings from academia and industry on some of the key topics in geotechnical engineering. It is a pro bono initiative, and the lectures are free to attend.
More information at: https://www.age-rp.com/

The fourth lecture of AGERP series which will be delivered by Em. Prof. Malcolm Bolton from Uni. of Cambridge, UK and Dr. Chris Haberfield from Golder Associates Pty Ltd., Australia. The lecture will be on ‘Design of Pile Foundations’. This is scheduled on 24th July 2020.
Registration (free and mandatory) opens at 18:00, 09th July 2020 (AEST) and closes at 00:00 23rd July 2020 (AEST)

Webinar : Multiscale Modeling of Granular Media

The University of Liverpool Civil Engineering invites to the following webinar: Multiscale Modeling of Granular Media by Dr Jidong Zhao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, on Tuesday 14 July 2020 12.00 BST (13.00 CET).

Details of how to register can be found in the attached document.
Alternatively, you can register here:

The 2020 Kersten Lecture by Prof. Lyesse Laloui

The 2020 Kersten Lecture was given by Lyesse Laloui, on February 27, 2020, at the Geo-Congress of the American Society of Civil Engineering, in Minneapolis, MN, USA. Dr Laloui’s lecture is titled “Energy Geotechnology: A new Era for Geotechnical Engineering Practice.”

Energy geotechnology provides low carbon, cost-effective and local energy solutions to structures and infrastructures, which opens a new era for geotechnical engineering practice, by extending the conventional role of structural design to that of addressing acute energy challenges of our century. The presentation reviews the methodology behind energy geotechnology by highlighting its scope and applications to various geostructures for structural support and energy supply of built environments. Aspects of primary importance for maximizing the energy, geotechnical, and structural performance of energy geostructures and solutions to address this challenge are presented. Moreover, analytical solutions and design tools, as well as performance-based design approaches for energy geostructures are introduced. The final goal being to uncover the potential of energy geotechnology on the path of less dependency on fossil fuels and to emphasize the critical role of geotechnical engineers to take full advantage of this technology.

—-> Watch the 2020 Kersten Lecture


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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