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MSL-2021 – Invito alla partecipazione gratuita – online dal 7 al 9 giugno 2021

Il primo Mediterranean Symposium on Landslides, intitolato “Slope Stability Problems in Stiff Clays and Flysch Formations“, avrebbe dovuto svolgersi a Napoli, nel centro Congressi dell’Ateneo Federico II. A causa della pandemia l’evento si terrà online dal 7 al 9 giugno 2021 e sarà totalmente gratuito; per partecipare basterà compilare un modulo come indicato nella brochure allegata.

Ulteriori informazioni alla pagina web del simposio:


X IAGIG, Pisa, 3-4 Settembre 2021

A causa dell’emergenza sanitaria, l’anno scorso è stato necessario rinviare la X edizione dell’Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici (IAGIG). Il comitato organizzatore è fiducioso di poter riorganizzare IAGIG a Pisa venerdì 3 e sabato 4 Settembre 2021.

Tutti i giovani ingegneri sono invitati a partecipare inviando anche un proprio contributo tecnico da redigere secondo il template scaricabile qui e inviare a iagig@associazionegeotecnica.it entro il 15 Giugno 2021.

IAGIG è un’iniziativa intesa a promuovere la discussione di argomenti di ingegneria geotecnica e favorire uno scambio di esperienze e conoscenze tra giovani ingegneri, interessati alle problematiche geotecniche, attivi sia in ambito professionale (liberi professionisti, dipendenti di enti pubblici o di imprese, collaboratori presso studi professionali, giovani imprenditori del settore, etc.) sia nel contesto accademico.

I temi centrali dell’incontro riguardano principalmente gli aspetti, tradizionali ed innovativi, della progettazione, esecuzione e controllo di opere di ingegneria geotecnica, come: monitoraggio e controllo di opere geotecniche; Geotecnica sismica; Geotecnica ambientale; case histories e lessons learnt; indagini in sito e di laboratorio; interventi di miglioramento e rinforzo; stabilità dei pendii; ingegneria dei geosintetici; modellazione numerica e fisica dei terreni e delle rocce

Ulteriori informazioni alla pagina: https://www.iagig.unisa.it

Research Associate position at the University of Bath (UK)

A Research Associate in Geotechnical Engineering (fixed term) is required, to join the ACHILLES Programme at the University of Bath, UK. The ACHILLES team are exploring the impact of ageing and a changing climate on the performance of infrastructure earthworks. The application is open until the 10th May 2021 (https://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=CF8227). This role is on a fixed term basis from 1 July 2021 with an expected end date of 31 December 2022. For informal enquires please contact Dr Kevin Briggs (k.m.briggs@bath.ac.uk).

Postdoctoral Position in Geomechanical Modeling at Northwestern University (USA)

A postdoctoral position on Landslide Geomechanics is available at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA). The selected candidate will join the Geomechanical Modeling group at Northwestern University, working under the supervision of Dr. Giuseppe Buscarnera on a project aimed at explaining the dynamics of landslide initiation and rapid post-failure movement. The position involves a one-year appointment, with the possibility of a contract extension for a second year. Competitive salary, exposure to a dynamic international environment, and opportunities for professional development will be key components of the position.

For all inquiries, please contact Dr. Giuseppe Buscarnera (email: g-buscarnera@northwestern.edu).

More information in the attachment.

Postdoctoral Position in geotechnical earthquake engineering at Université Gustave Eiffel (France)

A postdoctoral  position is open at Université Gustave Eiffel, France. The project will focus on Centrifuge Modelling of soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions subjected to seismic loading. The post-doctoral researcher will carry out experimental studies on the soil-rigid inclusion-superstructure interaction taking into account several highlighted factors. The experimental study will also provide essential data for numerical modeling.

Application deadline: Open until Filled

For more information of the PhD subject, see the attached PDF file.

4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV) – Beijing (China) 2022 – Call for abstracts

The 4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV), organized under the auspices of the TC203 of ISSMGE, will be held on July 15-17, 2022 in Beijing (China).

The call for abstract is now open, until July 1, 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full manuscripts by November 1, 2021. Peer reviews will be returned to the authors for final submission of camera-ready versions by February 15, 2022.

More information in the attachment and at the conference website http://www.pbd-iv2021.com

AGERP’21 – Lecture on “Mechanically Stabilised Earth” – 16th April 2021

The organising committee of Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: From Research to Practice (AGERP) Lecture Series is pleased to invite you to the 1st lecture of the 2nd edition of AGERP Lecture Series (AGERP’21). The first lecture will be on ‘Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Walls’. This lecture will be jointly delivered by Prof. Emeritus Richard J. Bathurst (GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC, Canada) and Ms. Chaido (Yuli) Doulala-Rigby (Tensar International Corporation, UK).

Lecture 1 is scheduled to be hosted on 16th April 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time-AEST) with registration for this lecture closing at 00:00, 15th April 2021 (AEST).

You may find further info. and register (free but mandatory) here: https://www.age-rp.com/

For further information, please refer to the attached flyer.

Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at University of Sheffield (UK)

The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK is inviting applications from outstanding candidates for the position of Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, to help shape our research activity and taught programmes. While applications from all areas of geotechnics – whether numerical or physical – are welcome, we seek a talented individual who can relate their research vision to impact on key challenges such as infrastructure performance/resilience, adaptation of geotechnical systems for an evolving climate, low carbon development/management, decarbonisation of energy production, and integration of digital technologies.

Further information and an application link can be found below:


The closing date for applications is 4th May 2021. Informal enquiries can be made to Elisabeth Bowman, Reader in Geomechanics, at e.bowman@sheffield.ac.uk.

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems at Durham University (UK)

The Department of Engineering at Durham University (UK) is advertising a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems position. The postdoctoral researcher will work on a British Council funded project entitled “Floating hybrid renewable energy systems in Turkey”. This project aims to develop a design for hybrid floating wind turbine solar energy foundation systems. The project involves collaboration with the Middle East Technical University and industry partners in Turkey. The postdoctoral researcher will carry out advanced numerical simulations to predict the response of the foundations and the anchorage systems.

The employment contract will be up to 16/02/2023 (about 23 months). The deadline for the application is 22 April 2021. More details can be found at:

Numero speciale di ‘Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment’ su ‘Innovative Numerical Methods for Soil Internal Erosion Processes’

La rivista Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment propone un numero speciale sul tema Innovative Numerical Methods for Soil Internal Erosion Processes, curato dai proff. Donatella Sterpi del Politecnico di Milano e Carlo Callari dell’Università del Molise.

– Submission opening on June 1, 2021
– Submission closing on September 30, 2021

Ulteriori informazioni all’indirizzo:


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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