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Computational Modelling for Future Research in Geoenvironmental Sciences webinar series – 11th July 2021

The organising committee of the “Computational Modelling for Future Research in Geoenvironmental Sciences” (CMFRGS) webinar series invites you to its 1st webinar on “Discrete Element Method” presented by A/Prof Sergio Galindo Torres.

Webinar 1 is scheduled to be hosted at 9:00 am (CEST), 14th July 2021 with registration for this webinar closing at 24:00, 11th July 2021 (CEST).

You may find further info and register (free but mandatory) here: https://www.m2clab.com/cmfrgs-webinars

Attached flyer

Invited Lectures Series for the MSc in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College London – Dr Michael Bardanis – 23rd June 2021

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the talk on “Experiences from the long-term measurement of soil suction in the field” by Dr Michael Bardanis on Wednesday 23rd June 2021, at 4pm London time.

The talk is organised as part of our Invited Lectures Series for the MSc in Soil Mechanics at Imperial College London and it is open to Engineers, Academics, Researchers and Students at all levels.

To attend the Lecture please follow the link below (no prior registration is required):

  • link [updated due to technical issues]

Feel free to pass on this invitation to any interested parties.

Katerina Tsiampousi (MSc Soil Mechanics Course Director)

Seminario telematico – Dr. N. Losacco – 25 giugno 2021 (Politecnico di Bari)

Il prossimo venerdì 25 giugno, dalle 15:30 alle 16:30, il Dr. Nunzio Losacco, ricercatore presso il Politecnico di Bari, terrà un seminario telematico in lingua inglese dal titolo: “Numerical modelling of mechanised tunnelling: from simplified to detailed approaches“.

L’evento è organizzato dal gruppo di ricerca di Geotecnica del DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, e si terrà sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Non è necessario registrarsi, per partecipare è sufficiente cliccare sul link riportato in basso nella locandina: Webinar_Losacco_2021

Ciclo di seminari e corso dottorale online di M. Veveakis – giugno 2021 – Università degli Studi di Milano

Vi segnaliamo un ciclo di 3 seminari e un corso dottorale breve che il prof. Manolis Veveakis (Duke University, North Carolina, USA) terrà nel mese di giugno, organizzati dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.

I seminari, in modalità telematica, riguarderanno i temi  “Mechanics of catastrophic landslides ” (8 giugno), “Mechanics and physics of chemically active shear zones“ (11 giugno) e  “Multiphysics instabilities during diagenesis of shale gas reservoirs” (14 giugno).

Il corso dottorale è intitolato “Multiphysics Geomechanics for Earth Science applications: from resource engineering to fault mechanics” e si terrà il 24-25 giugno sia in modalità telematica che in presenza, presso l’Università Statale a Milano. Chi fosse interessato a partecipare in presenza può contattare il prof. Francesco Cecinato (francesco.cecinato@unimi.it)

I dettagli sono riportati nella locandina allegata: Flyer_Veveakis

Ciclo di seminari online del Prof. Rollins – Università G. d’Annunzio, giugno 2021

Vi segnaliamo il ciclo di seminari che il Prof. Kyle M. Rollins (Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah) terrà il prossimo mese di giugno sui temi “Liquefaction and Lateral Spread” e “Ground Improvement for Earthquake Engineering“.

I seminari sono organizzati dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia dell’Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara in modalità telematica.

I dettagli sono riportati nella locandina allegata: Webinars_June_2021_Prof. Rollins

Ciclo di lezioni tenute dal prof. Gazetas – UniSannio 7-10-14 maggio 2021

Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università del Sannio ha organizzato un ciclo di lezioni sull’Interazione Terreno-Struttura tenute dal prof. George Gazetas, professore emerito presso la National Technical University of Athens.

In allegato la locandina del seminario, a cui è possibile partecipare mediante la compilazione del seguente modulo:

Le lezioni si svolgeranno in modalità telematica nei giorni 7-10-14 maggio 2021 dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 18.00.

Allegato: Flyer_University of Sannio_Gazetas

ISSMGE Virtual University

Vi segnaliamo l’iniziativa “ISSMGE Virtual University – An Open Access Educational Platform” (http://virtualuniversity.issmge.org/).

The Virtual University is an initiative launched by President Charles Ng. The current OpenEdX platform was developed by the Innovation and Development Committee chaired by Dimitrios Zekkos, with oversight from the Board and was publically made available in March 2020. The objective of the Virtual University is to provide open source, high quality technical content that can be used by engineers of practice, as well as undergraduate and graduate students all around the world.

The Virtual University includes, free courses, webinars, as well as short educational videos, and is integrated with the open-access Online Library of ISSMGE. The content of the Virtual University will continue to be updated through various initiatives of ISSMGE, and with the support of its Technical Committees, conference organizers and Member Societies.

L’ultimo seminario in ordine di tempo, disponibile sulla piattaforma, è stato tenuto dal prof. Nilo Cesar Consoli dell’Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasile) sul tema “Experiences in Sustainable Geotechnics” (http://virtualuniversity.issmge.org/courses/course-v1:ISSMGE+TC307-01+2021/about)

GEER webinar on Port of Beirut Explosion – April 28, 2021

Vi segnaliamo  un webinar organizzato da GEER (Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association Turning Disaster into Knowledge – Sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation) sulle conseguenze dell’esplosione di Agosto 2020 al Porto di Beirut. Il webinar è gratuito e si terrà il 28 aprile, in orario serale per l’Italia.

Durante il webinar si mostreranno le conseguenze strutturali e geotecniche dell’esplosione e si farà vedere come poter utilizzare dati satellitari e tecnologie innovative in scenari post-disastro.

Ulteriori informazioni nella locandina: GEER Port of Beirut Webinar

GEER websitehttp://www.geerassociation.org/

Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinars organized by University of Illinois Chicago

International Webinar Series (May-June 2021) on Geoenvironmental Engineering: Polluted Land, Waste Management & Sustainability/Resiliency organized by University of Illinois Chicago.

Weekly webinars on topics related to Geoenvironmental Engineering covering wide range of issues associated with land contamination, waste management, and sustainability and resiliency. All interested are welcome to attend. Highly recommended for MS/MTech/PhD students, post-docs, and young faculty in geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, and related fields.

The next webinar will be held by Professor Craig Benson on Thursday April 29, 2021, 10 am – 11 am (Chicago time). The title of his webinar is “Bentonite-Polymer Composite Geosynthetic Clay Liners for Containment of Highly Aggressive Leachates“.

To get the zoom link to join the webinar, please register (free) at:

You can find the recordings of the past webinars at:

Please see the attached brochure for the May-June schedule of webinars: Geoenvironmental Engineering Webinar Series-Brochure


AGERP’21 – Lecture on “AI and Big Data in Geotechnics” – 3rd May 2021 (update)

The AGERP – Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: from Research to Practice – Organising Committee invites you to a lecture series which aims to disseminate the coupled learnings from academia and industry on some of the key topics in geotechnical engineering. It is a pro bono initiative, and the lectures are free to attend.
More information at: https://www.age-rp.com/


The organising committee of Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering: From Research to Practice (AGERP) Lecture Series is pleased to invite you to the 2nd lecture of the 2nd edition of AGERP Lecture Series (AGERP’21). The second lecture will be on ‘AI and Big Data in Geotechnics‘. This Lecture will be jointly delivered by Dr. Robert C. Bachus (Geosyntec Consultants, Georgia, USA), Professor Sarat Kumar Das (Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India) and Dr. Nick Machairas (Groundwork A.I. – Next-gen Geotechnics, USA).

Lecture 2 is scheduled to be hosted on 3rd May 2021 (Australian Eastern Standard Time-AEST) with registration for this lecture closing at 00:00, 2nd May 2021 (AEST).

You may find further info. and register (free but mandatory) here: https://www.age-rp.com/




16th April 2021 —> The first lecture was on ‘Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Walls’. This lecture was delivered by Prof. Emeritus Richard J. Bathurst (GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC, Canada) and Ms. Chaido (Yuli) Doulala-Rigby (Tensar International Corporation, UK).




Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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