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POST DOC POSITIONS: Rock mechanics, Geostructures, Offshore Wind Turbine


Postdoc position in Rock mechanics and geomechanics at the University of Glasgow.  Application deadline: 28 September 2022. Expected start date: 1 Feb 2023. More info on this web-page.

Postdoc in Multiphysics modelling of geostructures in FEniCSx at Chalmers University of Technology. More info and how to apply on this web-page.

5 Postdoc positions opening on Geomechanics for Offshore Wind Turbine (project SAGE-SAND). The post-doc positions will be supervised by Hadrien Rattez at UCLouvain, Stijn François and Georgios Anogiatis at KULeuven, Frédéric Collin at ULiège. The successful applicants are due to start between November 1st, 2022 and January 1st, 2023. More infor on this flyer. Descriptions of the positions:

  • PDR1: Large scale pile tests and modelling via an engineering-oriented approach
  • PDR2: Advanced numerical modeling of pile installation and extraction using Material Point Method in dynamic regime
  • PDR3: Vibro-drivability for the installation and extraction of piles in offshore conditions
  • PDR4: Phase field modeling framework for degradation at microscale and numerical upscaling by FEMxFEM approach
  • PDR5: Impact of aging effects on the pile response investigated by FEMxFEM and FEMxDEM approaches

Gas migration in natural and swelling clays – Postdoc position @ IRSN France

Applications are welcomed for a 18 months postdoc position in IRSN (Institute of Radiation protection and nuclear safety, France ) to investigate gas migration in natural and swelling clays. Further information on this position can be found on this flyer.

Gas migration in bentonite-based engineered barrier for DGR of nuclear waste – PhD position @ University of Ottawa

A 4-year PhD position on modeling gas migration in bentonite-based engineered barrier for deep geological repository (DGR) of nuclear waste is now open in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa, Canada.  The successful applicant will: (i) develop suitable mathematical models to describe and predict gas migration in bentonite-based materials; (ii) validate the models against laboratory experiments and in-situ tests; (iii) numerically simulate gas migration through the buffer and shaft of a potential Canadian DGR. If you are interested in this PhD position, please send your CV and a motivation letter (email message) to Prof. M. Fall (mfall@uottawa.ca) by August 31, 2022

PhD Position – Experimental Soil Mechanics – TU Delft

The section of Geo-Engineering at Delft University of Technology is searching for a doctoral student to enhance the understanding and modelling of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of organic soils containing gas bubbles. Deadline for application 22nd August 2022. More information about the vacancy and the employment conditions can be found in this flyer.

TT position – Geo-environmental engineering – TU Delft

A TT position is open at TU Delft within the Department Geoscience and Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geoscience. More info on this flyer.

Postdoc positions at TU Delft

Two PostDoc positions are now open the the CURE project on sustainable landfilling, at TU Delft:

  • CURE Postdoc position on modelling of landfill emissions (click here for more info)
  • CURE Postdoc on gas & liquid tracer testing (click here for more info)


PostDoc position – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have an opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher to perform applied research in reservoir geomechanics. This posting is within the LLNL’s Computational Geosciences Group. You will be expected to apply your expertise to ongoing geothermal energy, geologic carbon storage, waste fluid disposal, unconventional oil and gas projects and/or induced seismicity. This position requires a background in seismology, a working knowledge of computer programming, and experience in geomechanics or reservoir engineering. Additional details here.

ReStructure 2.0 – Webinar #6 – “Foundation Performance of Millennium Tower In San Francisco, California”

Nell’ambito del progetto ReStructure 2.0 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Reintegration Panel) sono stati organizzati una serie di webinar su temi di geotecnica sismica. Il sesto di questi, dal titolo “Foundation Performance of Millennium Tower In San Francisco, California“, sarà tenuto dal Prof. Jonathan Stewart il 20 Luglio 2022 (ore 10:30). Il programma dell’evento, che si volgerà in presenza presso l’Università della Calabria, è disponibile in questo flyer. Per l’iscrizione all’evento è necessario registrarsi utilizzando questo link. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questo sito.

PhD Position on Geotechnical Engineering at Flinders University, Australia

A PhD position on geotechnical engineering topics is now open at Flinders University, Australia. Applications are welcome to apply for the following Flinders/Industry co-funded PhD Enterprise Scholarship with an internship: “Investigative Drilling (ID) method theoretical investigation and practical application”. Deadline for application: 5 August 2022. Candidates can find more details on the project via this link.

Post-doc position at Nantes University with France Energies Marines

France Energies Marines is conducting the MUTANC project whic aims to study the potential of mutualised anchors to reduce the levelised cost of energy of floating offshore wind farms. Within this project, a post-doctoral position has been defined in order to assess the geotechnical performances of mutualised pile anchors under multidirectional and cyclic loading, by means of numerical studies. Application deadline : Sunday, July 31, 2022. More info on this web-page.


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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