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PROFESSOR IN GEOTECHNICS – Position at the University of Glasgow

The James Watt School of Engineering (JWSE) at the University of Glasgow is seeking to appoint a professor who will provide leadership in research and research-led education in Geotechnics. For more information visit these two pages (page1 , page2) or contact Prof. Andrew McBride  (Andrew.McBride@glasgow.ac.uk).

SOIL-STEEL UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES – Prof. Damian Beben – Catania, 8 Novembre 2022


Giorno 8 novembre 2022 (ore 9:00 – 11:00), presso l’Aula Magna Oliveri della Cittadella Universitaria di Catania (via S. Sofia 64, Edificio 4), il Prof. Damian Beben (Opole University of Technology, Poland) terrà un seminario dal titolo Soil-steel undeground structures”. Il seminario potrà essere seguito anche online tramite la piattaforma Teams di Microsoft utilizzando questo link. Maggiori informazioni e link con QRCode in questo flyer. 

Liquefaction-induced downdrag in piles – Prof. Kyle M. Rollins, Torino 27 ottobre 2022

Giovedì 27 Ottobre alle ore 16:30 presso l’aula Albenga del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Edile e Geotecnica (DISEG) del Politecnico di Torino, il prof. Kyle M. Rollins, della Brigham Young University (USA), terrà un seminario dal titolo “LIQUEFACTION-INDUCED DOWNDRAG IN PILES”. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili in questo flyer.

Postdoctoral position in ‘Theoretical and computational geomechanics with application to mineral carbon storage’ – University of Minnesota

A postdoctoral position in theoretical and computational geomechanics in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota is available immediately. The postdoctoral fellow will be assisting with the development of models of propagating cracks driven by reactive fluids, considering dissolution and precipitation mechanisms, and will be conducting numerical simulations to assess the evolution of the transport properties of a fractured porous rock caused by injection of a reactive fluid. The initial appointment is for one year and is renewable for up to four years. Applicants should submit a statement of interest, career goals, 2-page CV, and the names and contact information of three references. Inquiries and applications should be sent by email to Emmanuel Detournay (detou001@umn.edu) and Joseph Labuz (jlabuz@umn.edu).

Post-doctoral position on Anchors Sharing in centrifuge at the Gustave Eiffel University, Nantes, France


France Energies Marines institute (and the Gustave Eiffel University) are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate for 18 months in “geotechnical engineering: physical and numerical modelling”. The physical modelling aspect consists in performing an experimental campaign in centrifuge on the anchors multidirectional loading. The second part is about the numerical modelling of the centrifuge tests. The application deadline is 31st October 2022. Applicants must be available to start around the very beginning of 2023. More details about the offer and the application procedure here.

UC Davis Geotechnical Engineering Faculty Position

The Geotechnical Engineering Group at the University of California at Davis is searching for a new faculty member in Geotechnical Engineering. Application review will begin on December 1, 2022. More details regarding this position can be found here



L’archivio delle Tesi di dottorato è stato aggiornato ed è accessibile da questa pagina

Per autorizzare il GNIG a pubblicare la vostra tesi di dottorato compilate questa scheda ed inviatela seguendo le istruzioni in essa contenute. 

L’elenco delle Tesi di Dottorato già rese disponibili è riportato in questo file (per scaricare la singola tesi utilizzare il link fornito nella colonna L dell’elenco).

ReStructure 2.0 “L’avventura della conoscenza: la ricerca da fare e da raccontare” – Elena Cattaneo, 7 ottobre 2022

Venerdì 7 ottobre (ore 10:00) si svolgerà il primo evento di divulgazione organizzato nell’ambito del progetto ReStructure 2.0 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Reintegration Panel). L’ospite d’onore sarà la Senatrice a Vita Professoressa Elena Cattaneo, che terrà una Lectio Magistralis dal titolo “L’avventura della conoscenza: la ricerca da fare e da raccontare”. L’evento sarà completamente in presenza presso l’Aula Magna dell’Università della Calabria. Per partecipare all’evento è necessario iscriversi tramite questo link. Maggiori informazioni in questa pagina e in questo flyer.

POST DOC POSITIONS – Multiscale geomechanics, Experimental Geomechanics

  • Postdoctoral position on Multiscale geomechanics at INRAE, Aix-en-Provence, France.
    The research unit RECOVER from INRAE is pleased to invite applications for a postdoc position (18 months) on the application of complex network tools to granular materials to identify enriched mesostructures responsible for the stabilizing effect induced by grain polydispersity. Prospective applicants may contact Dr Antoine Wautier for further details (antoine.wautier@inrae.fr). More details on the projects and instructions for applicants can be found here.


  • Postdoctoral researcher opening in Experimental Geomechanics with application to mineral carbon storage.
    A postdoctoral position in experimental geomechanics in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering, University of Minnesota is available immediately. Successful candidates should have a PhD in Civil Engineering, Earth Sciences, or a related field. An expertise in geomechanics, and more specifically experimental geomechanics, is mandatory. Applicants should submit a statement of interest, career goals, 2-page CV, and the names and contact information of three references. Inquiries and applications should be sent by email to Bojan Guzina (guzin001@umn.edu), Joseph Labuz (jlabuz@umn.edu), and Peter Kang (pkkang@umn.edu).



A postdoctoral position in EPERIMENTAL GEOMECHANICS at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering (University of Minnesota)  is available immediately for a study associated with the Center for Interacting Geo-processes in Mineral Carbon Storage (GMCS). Applicants should submit a statement of interest, career goals, 2-page CV, and the names and contact information of three references. Inquiries and applications should be sent by email to Bojan Guzina (guzin001@umn.edu), Joseph Labuz (jlabuz@umn.edu), and Peter Kang (pkkang@umn.edu).  

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are open at Tsinghua University on MULTISCALE MODELING OF DEBRIS FLOW AND SEDIMENT TRANSPORT. The research activities aim to investigate debris flow and sediment transport in fluvial and coastal environments through a multiscale approach integrating experiments, simulations, and theory. Candidates having excellent experimental (micro-CT, RIMS, PIV/PTV), numerical (DEM-CFD/LBM, SPH, MPM, AI-aided methods), and/or theoretical (geomechanics, rheology, fluid dynamics) skills are sought. More info on this flyer.


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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