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Two positions of Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology

1) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geo-Monitoring and Data Analytics (tenure track). The position is proposed to develop advanced knowledge of the response of geostructures from data analytics, and improve current life-cycle design and assessment models. This requires an understanding of how climate change and increasing demographic pressure impact the life cycle of critical geostructures, and of how to extract relevant geotechnical information from multi-year and multiscale data streams.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geo-Monitoring-and-Data-Analytics

2) Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Uncertainty (tenure track). The position is proposed to investigate soil mechanical material behaviour accounting for uncertainties relating to, for example, measurements, statistics, transformation from measured to derived properties, and external (including environmental) loadings. It takes into consideration the random, spatial and systematic components of uncertainty, as well as uncertainties relating to the cross-correlations of material properties and multi-physical couplings, and develops new solutions to better control and reduce the geotechnical uncertainty and risk in geotechnical assessments and construction processes.
The closing date for applications is 7 October 2019.
More information in the attachment: Assistant-Professor-of-Geotechnical-Uncertainty

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Division of Geology and Geotechnics at Chalmers is looking for an Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering who is passionate about pushing the state-of-the-art of modelling coupled processes (thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering applications. You will join a diverse gender-balanced research group with ambition to become internationally leading in Geotechnical Engineering with focus on natural geomaterials.

As Associate Professor or Senior Lecturer, you will contribute to teaching and development of the educational portfolio both at undergraduate and Masters levels, as well as providing education as part of Continuous Professional Development to the industry. In parallel, you will conduct your brand of research independently.

Details and how to apply: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/Working-at-Chalmers/Vacancies/Pages/default.aspx?rmpage=job&rmjob=7620

Application deadline: 11 August, 2019

PhD position on granular mechanics available in Grenoble

Vi trasmettiamo il seguente annuncio, ricevuto dal Prof. Gioacchino (Cino) Viggiani dell’Université Grenoble Alpes.

We (Edward Andò and Cino Viggiani) are looking for outstanding candidates for a PhD project we have that is starting this October at Laboratoire 3SR, Grenoble. It’s to do with packing and deformation problems in granular materials varying shape and friction, as well as Level Set DEM. The PhD is within a European grant which includes some industry contacts and a secondment in Germany.

See pdf file for further details and how to apply: CALIPER_AnnouncementText_ESR8

Application deadline: 15th August, 2019

Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for a Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability. The position is proposed to improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings.

The closing date for applications is 1 September 2019

More information in the attachment: Professor-of-Experimental-Soil-Mechanics-for-Sustainability

Research positions at Imperial College (UK), EPFL (Zwitzerland), Newcastle University (UK)

Applications are invited for a one year full-time researcher based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London in the area of discrete element modelling and computational fluid dynamics. The successful applicant will join the Geotechnics research group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on an EPSRC funded project entitled “Particle-scale investigation of seepage induced geotechnical instability”. The work will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Catherine O’Sullivan.
The start date for this research post is July 1 2019.
More information at: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/jobs/description/ENG00849/research-assistantassociate/

Postdoctoral position in Energy Geostructures field, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS), EPF Lausanne.
The position, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), aims at providing fundamental information on the mechanisms governing the cyclic thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy geostructures by analyzing multiphysical processes occurring within the soil, soil-structure interface and along energy geostructures through an experimental, theoretical, and numerical approach.
The position is now open and will start on August 1st 2019 or upon agreement.
More information in: Postdoc-Position-LMS-EPFL-2

Post of Research Assistant/Research Associate in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University in the area of computational geotechnics. The successful applicant will carry out high-quality research on infrastructure embankments and the impacts of climate change. This project is part ACHILLES consortium which comprises the Universities of Newcastle, Durham, Loughborough, Southampton, Bath and Leeds and the British Geological Survey.
The closing date for applications is 26th May 2019.
More information at: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BRV878/research-assistant-associate-d174412r2

Borsa di Dottorato presso University of Strathclyde (UK) e University of Chalmers (Svezia)


Il  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering dell’Università di Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK) e il Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering dell’Università di Chalmers (Svezia) selezionano candidati per un dottorato sul tema ‘Clay micromechanics: from experimental  evidence at the nano/micro scale to particle-scale modelling via Discrete Element Method’.
Durata: 3 anni
Borsa: £1230/mese
Data di inizio: quanto prima possibile ma, in ogni caso, non oltre il 30 settembre 2019.
Si richiede un voto di laurea non inferiore a 104/110 (possibilmente 110/110). Per ulteriori informazioni contattare il Prof. Alessandro Tarantino (alessandro.tarantino@strath.ac.uk).

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Geotechnical Engineering – University of the West of England, Bristol (UK)

The Faculty of Environment and Technology of the University of the West of England, Bristol (UK) is looking to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering. They are seeking applications from professionals whose backgrounds, academic and industrial experience and identity broaden and enhance the diversity of their existing team. The successful candidate will take a leading role in the development and delivery of teaching and research in the areas of Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Hazards.

Candidates will need to be available for a Skype interview on 10/05/19 and if successful after this stage a final face to face interview on 17/05/19.

More information at: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BRF071/lecturer-senior-lecturer-in-geotechnical-engineering

Bando dottorato presso BGRM (Francia)

Vi segnaliamo un bando per l’ammissione al dottorato di ricerca, con borsa, presso il BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Servizio Geologico Nazionale francese, sedi di Orléans e Bordeaux) in collaborazione con l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

Tema di ricerca: identificazione, analisi e modellazione numerica delle falesie.

Gli interessati potranno far pervenire la propria candidatura entro il 18 maggio 2019 nelle modalità indicate nell’avviso allegato, contattando il dott. Yannick Thiery e il dott. Christophe Garnier del BRGM e il prof. Domenico Gallipoli dell’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.

Avviso: Projet de thèse_ezponda_mars_2019

Researcher position at CEREMA (France)

The Centre for Studies CEREMA, in France, is looking for a researcher in geotechnical earthquake engineering for a project on the measure and analysis of dynamic soil parameters and characterization of the associated uncertainties. The candidate must have an expertise on dynamic soil behavior and laboratory measurement. A knowledge in seismic site response will be much appreciated. The selected  candidate will be based in either Nice or Aix en Provence.

CEREMA (Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Mobility, Land Planning and the Environment) is a State agency of scientific and technical expertise, in support of the definition, implementation and evaluation of public policies, on both national and local levels. It is placed under the supervision of the French ministries in charge of sustainable development, town planning and transportation.

Deadline: 15/06/2019

More information in the attached announcement: CDD-Cerema-SIGMA2-english

Researcher position at École des Ponts ParisTech

Researcher position open at École des Ponts ParisTech, Paris, France.

The successful candidate will develop research in numerical modelling of soil-structure interaction under complex loadings including dynamics. Fundamental and numerical studies will be developed in relation with experimental studies performed in Laboratoire Navier and by outside partners. In addition to the development of classical techniques for numerical modelling of materials and structures (FEM, BEM, FFT, …), the valorization of big data gathered from the monitoring of geotechnical structures will be a priority area of research. This includes the development of new tools based on artificial intelligence systems for modelling and design in geotechnics.

Deadline: 18 April 2019

More information at: http://www.enpc.fr/lecole-recrute-offres-demploi?intuition_id=112368


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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