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Decreto Ministeriale VQR 2015-2019

È stato pubblicato il Decreto del Ministro dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca contenente le linee guida per la Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (VQR) 2015-2019.

Documento allegato: DM n.1110_29.11.2019

Two Post-doctoral researcher opportunities at the University of Nottingham (UK)

The Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics (NCG) is currently undertaking two large multi-disciplinary projects related to investigating the behaviour of made-ground consisting of coal-mining spoil. NCG brings together expertise from the worlds of civil, geotechnical, and mining engineering as well as mathematics and material sciences to solve all forms of soil and rock-related design and construction problems. The projects are funded by the European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) and include project partners from across Europe.

The NCG is looking to recruit two post-doctoral researchers who will support the work of these RFCS projects as well as support the wider work of the research group. Although the NCG will consider any candidate with a strong fundamental geotechnical background, they are particularly interested in candidates who have experience with element testing, numerical modelling (FEA/FDM) or centrifuge modelling.

Candidates will have a first degree in Civil Engineering or cognate subject and will have been awarded a PhD (or have submitted their thesis for examination), ideally in an area of Geotechnical Engineering. The successful candidate will have good presentation and report writing skills. A good publication record will be an advantage but its absence should not hinder applications from those who have recently submitted their theses.

For application details see:


“Senza neanche toccarla. La stabilizzazione della Torre di Pisa”, presentazione del libro – 27 novembre 2019

La storia della Torre, il sottosuolo, le commissioni e i progetti. Il Comitato Internazionale di Salvaguardia: gli studi e gli interventi, l’attuazione dell’intervento definitivo.

Mercoledì 27 novembre 2019 alle 17.30 nell’aula Magna Storica della Federico II, nella sede centrale di Corso Umberto I, si terrà la presentazione del libro ‘Senza neanche toccarla. La stabilizzazione della Torre di Pisa’ di Carlo Viggiani, professore emerito di geotecnica presso l’Ateneo federiciano.

Intervengono il rettore Gaetano Manfredi, Michele Jamiolkowski, emerito di Ingegneria Geotecnica del Politecnico di Torino, Salvatore Settis emerito di Archeologia Classica della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

Ulteriori informazioni nella locandina allegata: download 

Ottava edizione dell’IGS Student Award

L’AGI-IGS, chapter italiano dell’International Geosynthetics Society, in occasione dell’ottava edizione dell’IGS Student Award bandisce l’avvio del processo di selezione per l’assegnazione del premio “IGS Student Award – 2020”.
Il premio, che per questa edizione verrà assegnato durante la conferenza EuroGeo 7 (https://eurogeo7.org/) che si terrà a Varsavia (Polonia) dal 6 al 9 Settembre 2020, è stato istituito per diffondere tra i giovani studenti di ingegneria geotecnica e ambientale di tutto il mondo la conoscenza e migliorare la comunicazione e la comprensione sul mondo dei geosintetici e sulle tecnologie ad essi associate.
Il premio consiste nella partecipazione gratuita alla conferenza EuroGeo 7 e in un assegno di 1’000 USD che servirà a coprire le spese di viaggio e di vitto/alloggio sostenute dal vincitore/vincitrice per partecipare alla conferenza ed esporre il proprio lavoro redatto sotto forma di technical paper.
I candidati devono essere stati studenti di laurea triennale, magistrale o di dottorato durante il periodo 2016-2019.
I concorrenti devono far pervenire la domanda, precisando:

1.  curriculum vitae del/della candidato/a;
2.  una pagina in formato A4, con titolo, testo e illustrazioni (massimo 2 figure) della nota (in lingua inglese) dedicata ad un tema correlato all’ingegneria con geosintetici;
3.  recapiti (indirizzo, telefono, cellulare e e-mail);
4.  indicazione di un “tutor” di riferimento.
La candidatura deve essere presentata via e-mail all’AGI (agi@associazionegeotecnica.it) entro il 30 Novembre 2019.

Il vincitore del premio sarà designato da una apposita commissione costituita dal Presidente dell’AGI, dal Presidente dell’AGI-IGS e da un membro del Consiglio Direttivo AGI-IGS.
Il candidato vincitore sarà tenuto a redigere la nota tecnica secondo il formato previsto dalla conferenza EuroGeo 7 entro il 12 Gennaio 2020.

Faculty positions at Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Bando per un posto di Associate Professor/Professor e un posto di Lecturer/Senior Lecturer

The Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering has particular strengths in Civil Engineering Heritage, Future Construction Technology, and Construction Engineering Management. We are currently seeking to strengthen and consolidate our existing activity in Civil Engineering. In particular, we are looking for candidates with research expertise in fire and explosion resistance of structures, but welcome applications from candidates across all of our areas of research, which include: numerical geotechnics; highway materials; numerical modelling of water and environmental chemistry; railway infrastructure.

Closing Date: 03 November 2019

Full description of the positions and details of how to apply can be found at:

www.northumbria.ac.uk/work-for-us/job-vacancies/academic-2903-professor–associate-professor-in-civil-engineering (Associate Professor/Professor position)

www.northumbria.ac.uk/work-for-us/job-vacancies/academic-2904-senior-lecturer–lecturer-in-civil-engineering (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position)

Tenure track professorship at Graz University of Technology (Austria)

Immediate opening for a fully funded position (40 hours a week) available at the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling at Graz University of Technology. Upon agreement on a qualification agreement, the candidate will be appointed as assistant professor.
The topics of digitalisation and building information modelling have been chosen as research focal points for underground space technology and rock mechanics.

Deadline for application: 28.10.2019

More information in the attachment: TUG_Professorship-Data-Science_EN

Postdoctoral Position in Rock Mechanics at University of Lorraine (France)

Applications are welcomed for a Postdoctoral position at GeoRessources laboratory, University of Lorraine (France). He/she will notably collaborate to the CIGEO research project of Andra and should design and supervise experimental tests for characterizing thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of argillaceous rocks.

Duration: 1 year (renewable).

More information in the attachment (download).

Opportunity for PhD studies on Unsaturated Geomaterials and Contaminant Transport at Monash University (Melbourne)

Three scholarships are available for PhD studies commencing in 2019. The scholarships will provide support for three years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD.

Project 1: the project aims at developing an experimentally validated theory of the behaviour of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) under high temperatures and salt gradients that will lead to a significant improvement in the understanding of their hydraulic behaviour. The PhD will focus on the evaluation of temperature effects, wet/dry cycles salt gradients and stress changes on the water retention curves (WRCs) of geosynthetic clay liners.

Project 2 (2 scholarships): the project will focus on contaminant transport through lining systems. Particular emphasis will be given to chemical compatibility issues between a suite of emerging contaminants (PFAS, etc.) and soil and geosynthetic liners. This project aims at providing practitioners with better tools to estimate the design life of hydraulic barriers systems.

Applicants should have an Honours 1 or First Class Honours Degree in Engineering or Science and an interest in analytical/numerical and experimental research. The scholarship value is A$28,500  per annum, with the possibility of a top-up depending on academic standing and/or experience. The potential for further earning is also possible through tutoring.

For further information, contact Prof. Malek Bouazza, at malek.bouazza@monash.edu. Applications including a curriculum vitae, a copy of academic transcript, evidence of English-language proficiency (international applicants only) names and contact details of at least two academic referees should be sent to the above email address.

Post-doctoral researcher in computational geomechanics at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral researcher in computational modelling of gas-induced fractures in low-permeability porous media. The post-doctoral researcher will push the boundaries of existing understanding of coupling between gas flow in low permeability porous media and fracturing process, through the development of theoretical models and numerical tools. It is anticipated that the researcher will need to develop models which include discrete pathways in a heterogeneous (continuum) material. Challenges exist in simulating the development of the discrete pathways and the impact of the heterogeneity on the macroscopic behaviour. The simulation tools developed will be based on existing finite element tools for multiphase flow and mechanics, which require novel additions to include discrete pathways. Close collaboration with experimentalists is expected.

The closing date for applications is 11th October 2019.

More information in the attachment: download


PhD and Post-doc positions at EPFL, Switzerland

The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is looking for 3 PhD candidates and 2 Post-docs in Geomechanics and Energy Geotechnics.

The call is open until all the positions will be filled. Candidates are urged to apply as early as they can, contacting recruitment.lms@epfl.ch .

More information in the attachment: LMS-EPFL-openpositions


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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