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Associate professor / Professor position in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Liège (Belgium)

The School of Engineering is seeking candidates to a full-time academic position (Associate Professor/Professor) in the field of Geotechnical Engineering.

The new academic will be affiliated with the Department of Architectural, Geological, Environmental and Civil Engineering of the School of Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liège (Belgium).

The appointee will contribute to the research activities in the field of geotechnical engineering. The rapid development of renewable energy production and the increasing use of the underground generate a growing need in geotechnical engineering to design new solutions and to study complex processes, with underground-infrastructure interactions, multi-physics processes, human impacts and integration in BIM models. Geotechnical engineering is therefore facing new challenges related to the resilience and the sustainability of geostructures. Research program for developing new experimental techniques and strategies, or cutting-edge numerical tools applied to civil/geological engineering problems are welcome.

Applications from candidates with a strong research background in civil engineering, or a cognate subject, are expected. The Department aims for a professor with the capacities and desire to develop a fundamental research programme of international standing.

See attached file (link) for details. For any further questions, please contact Prof. Frédéric Collin.

Application deadline: 15 February 2021

Assistant or Associate Professor – Civil and Environmental Engineering (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada)

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) invites applications from qualified candidates for a preliminary tenure‐track appointment in Engineering and Northern Development at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor beginning July 1, 2021.

The candidate will be expected to have technical capacities to engage in research supporting the convergent problems of resource industry sustainability, northern development, and resilient infrastructure for northern communities in a changing climate. In‐line with the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, training of indigenous students and professionals, and respectfully interacting with northern communities to increase Northern Canada’s technical knowledge base will be an important component of this position.

The research focus should complement existing strengths in the department. Research areas may include but are not limited to: buildings, transportation corridors, and other infrastructure in zones of climate‐ driven permafrost thaw; mine site reclamation; soft soil engineering; and water‐permafrost‐infrastructure interactions. Expertise in monitoring soils and infrastructure in the field would be desirable. Experience and/or a strong interest in working in Northern Canada and with Indigenous communities would be an asset.

We encourage applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in Engineering and/or with experience in mentoring students from such groups.


Evento di lancio dell’associazione internazionale LandAware (14 Dicembre 2020)

Lunedì 14 novembre p.v. alle ore 13:30 si terrà l’evento di lancio della neonata associazione internazionale LandAware – the international network on Landslide Early Warning Systems (https://www.landaware.org/), presieduta dal Prof. Michele Calvello dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno.

Il programma dell’evento “LandAware Kick-Off 2020“, che si terrà in modalità telematica tramite piattaforma Zoom e durerà 2 ore, prevede la presentazione dell’associazione LandAware, dei primi 7 gruppi di lavoro attivi, alcune brevi relazioni ad invito e una sessione finale di discussione (vedi locandina allegata).

Si invitano tutti gli interessati a partecipare gratuitamente all’evento, registrandosi mediante la compilazione del seguente modulo: https://forms.gle/3LDBQHZJoVJ32gPp8


Post-doc DEM modelling (INRAE, Aix-Marseille Univ, RECOVER, France)

A 18 months post-doc position opens for 2021-2022 at the RECOVER research unit (INRAE, Aix-Marseille Univ, Aix-en-Provence, France).

The project will focus on particle’s shape mechanical influence in granular materials, through discrete modelling with realistic shape descriptors.

Application has to be done at the earliest convenience and by email.

Please find all details at https://stratus.irstea.fr/f/5ef9fde069f24c35ba66/?dl=1

Two Postdoctoral positions at the Hainan institute of Zhejiang University (China)

The Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in Geotechnical Engineering. The Institute seeks applicants in all areas of Geotechnical Engineering with representative examples including but not limited to: offshore geotechnics, numerical and physically modelling of geo-materials. All candidates with advanced experience in experimental (particularly centrifuge modelling), field, computational, or a combination of these geotechnical capabilities will be considered. There are currently two postdoctoral positions at the Hainan institute of Zhejiang University funded by the institute in the year of 2021.

About the Institute: Zhejiang University, one of the top universities in Asia, is one of the earliest institutions of higher education in China. It ranks 53th according to QS World University Rankings 2020.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in Engineering, Science or other relevant discipline and have the ability to build an independent, externally funded research program at the forefront of their field.

Research topics: The research institute mainly focus on the geotechnical problems in offshore geotechnics, particularly in the areas relating to characterization and modelling of marine sediments (including gas hydrate bearing sediments), offshore foundations, pipeline geotechnics and offshore geo-hazards.

Closing date for applications: 31 Dec 2020

Contacts: Please submit a C.V. including two academic references letters to Dr Yi Hong (yi_hong@zju.edu.cn).

Postdoc positions at the Computing Center for Geotechnical Engineering of Zhejiang University (China)

The Computing Center for Geotechnical Engineering (COMEGE) of Zhejiang University has openings for postdoctoral fellows in computational geomechanics. Successful candidates should demonstrate a good publication record on geomechanics, engineering mechanics, and/or numerical methods (e.g. FEM, DEM, MPM, SPH, peridynamics), and are expected to conduct independent research on these areas. A good knowledge of high-performance computing and code developing will be a plus.

About the institute: Zhejiang University is among the top universities in China (one of the C9 League) and is located in the historical and beautiful city of Hangzhou. It ranks 53 according to the QS World University Rankings 2020.

Contact: The potential applicants should send a CV enclosed with representative publications to Dr. Mei Dong (mdong@zju.edu.cn).

Assistant professor position in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Texas (USA)

The University of Texas at Austin (USA), Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Geotechnical Engineering. The Department seeks applicants in all areas of engineering relevant to the field of Geotechnical Engineering with representative examples including: In-situ soil and rock characterization, geotechnics of natural hazards, urban geotechnics, spatial geotechnical variability, deformation-based geotechnical analyses, underground development, energy geotechnics, and rock engineering for urban infrastructure. All candidates with advanced experience in experimental, field, computational, or a combination of these geotechnical capabilities will be considered.

Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2020 and continue until the position is filled.

See attached file for details.

PostDoc position in Computational Geomechanics and Multiscale Modelling at UFZ (Germany)

The Department of Environmental Informatics at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), whose main base is in Leipzig (Germany), is seeking at the earliest possible date a PostDoc in Computational Geomechanics and Multiscale Modelling.

Energy and environmental aspects of geoscience remain the greatest challenges that our society will face in the coming decades. To provide a numerical tool for environmental protection (e.g. sub-surface integrity) and energy transition (e.g. underground energy storage), Department of Environmental Informatics develops an open-source Finite Element platform, OpenGeoSys in C++. The tool enables us to simulate multi-physical processes in sub-surface such as fluid and heat transport, or rock deformation and failure. For simulation of discontinuous deformation or crack propagation in rock, a variational phase-field (VPF) model has been adapted and implemented in OpenGeoSys (OGS-6). Within the GeomInt2 project (www.ufz.de/geomint) the VPF method shall be further developed and applied to various applications such as field experiments in the Underground Research Laboratories and Mines in Mont Terri (Opalinus clay) and Springen (salt rock), respectively.

Closing date for applications: 22.11.2020

Place of work: Leipzig – More information here.

Post-doc position at the University of Warwick (UK)

Applications are invited for a full-time Post-Doctoral Researcher position in the area of applied geomechanics at the University of Warwick (UK). The successful applicant will join the Ground Engineering Research Group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on a large multi-disciplinary research project entitled “From Mining Waste to Valuable Resource: New Concepts for a Circular Economy” (MINRESCUE). The work will be conducted under the supervision of the project coordinator Dr Mohammad Rezania.

More details in the attached file: PostdocPosition-MINRESCUE

Postdoctoral position at GeoRessources laboratory, Nancy, France

The Multiscale-Hydro-Geomechanics group of the GeoRessources laborarory, Nancy, France, welcomes applications for a Postdoctoral Position for 12 months.

The research involves the study and modeling of hydromechanical couplings during gas migration in saturated clayey rocks at mesoscopic scales. The position is funded by a CNRS post-doctoral contract and is part of a larger EU project (EURAD) that aims to mobilize academic research on major nuclear-related issues.

Please find further details in the attached file:


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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