Lecturer/Senior Lecturer – Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) – (UNSW Canberra Australia)
This position is open to female applicants only. UNSW (Canberra, Australia) is permitted to designate and recruit women to a number of STEM academic roles at UNSW Canberra as a ‘measure intended to achieve equality’ within the meaning of section 27 of the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).
The School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) is seeking applications for a full-time position in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical). This role will contribute to course and program delivery, development and innovation, in a team-teaching environment. The position will conduct impactful multidisciplinary research and educating the next generation of Australian leaders and scholars in this important and growing field.
Applications Close: 11:30pm, 6 June 2021
For further information please visit UNSW Canberra website and https://external-careers.jobs.unsw.edu.au/cw/en/job/501341/lecturersenior-lecturer-civil-engineering-geotechnical-female-identified-position
Vacancy on computational geomechanics at BAW (Germany)
About the position: vacancy for a 3-year R&D project within computational geomechanics at BAW Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute Department of Geotechnical Engineering in Karlsruhe, Germany. The R&D-position’s main objective is to improve open source geomechanical analysis tools and to qualify the candidate for research positions.
Duties of the position: The R&D project aims at the validation and further development of poroMechanicalFoam, an openFOAM based FVM-model for hydro-mechanical analysis of flow-structure-soil interactions considering variable soil saturation. Based on analytical solutions and experimental data the impact of spatial and temporal discretization on robustness and accuracy shall be determined. The model performance shall be tested based on case studies from the geotechnical engineering practice at BAW considering representative aspects among others anisotropy of the mechanic and/or hydraulic properties, advanced soil material models (bounding surface plasticity), variable saturation and gas entrapment below the phreatic surface. In the final stage predictable failure mechanisms are to be addressed within the framework of the second order work concept. If desired, there is possibility for laboratory tests for characterization of soil properties and or/ identification of aspects yet not properly captured in poroMechanicalFoam.
Required selection criteria: The qualification requirement is a completed a master’s degree or second degree (equivalent to 120 credits) with a strong academic background in engineering/physics or closely related discipline.
More information in the attachment: R&D Project – computational geomechanics – BAW
Research Assistant/Associate at Newcastle University (UK)
Applications are invited for a post of Research Assistant/Research Associate, in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University (UK) in the area of computational geotechnics. The successful applicant will join the ACHILLES Programme at Newcastle University to carry out high-quality research on infrastructure embankments and the impacts of climate change.
The application is open until the 18th May 2021.
Sondaggio sull’importanza degli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici sulle geostrutture in Europa
Vi trasmettiamo il seguente messaggio da parte del gruppo di lavoro sui cambiamenti climatici della European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform.
Avviato nell’aprile 2018, il Working Group on Climate Change Adaptation (WG CCA) è uno dei 5 gruppi di lavoro della European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform (ELGIP), un consorzio delle principali organizzazioni di ricerca europee in ingegneria geotecnica (https://elgip.org/). Il WG CCA intende fungere da piattaforma per lo scambio di idee ed esperienze nell’affrontare le questioni legate al cambiamento climatico dal punto di vista dell’ingegneria geotecnica. In quest’ottica stiamo conducendo un sondaggio con l’obiettivo di comprendere l’impatto del cambiamento climatico sui terreni naturali e sulle geostrutture in tutta Europa e per identificare le lacune conoscitive sul tema. Sarà possibile accedere ai risultati del sondaggio tramite la pagina web del gruppo ELGIP.
A questo proposito vorremmo invitarvi a partecipare al sondaggio compilando il questionario accessibile al seguente link:
Il tempo richiesto per la compilazione è di 10-15 minuti. Saremmo grati di ricevere le vostre risposte entro il 7 maggio 2021. Vi ringraziamo anticipatamente per il vostro tempo e per la vostra collaborazione.
Molti cordiali saluti,
Marco Barla (Italia)
Alessandra Insana (Italia)
Fabien Szymkiewicz (Francia)
Hauke Zachert (Germania)
Mary Antonette Beroya-Eitner (Germania)
Margareet van Marle (Paesi Bassi)
Bjørn Kalsnes (Norvegia)
Carlos Pereira (Portogallo)
Iulia Prodan (Romania)
Bojan Zlender (Slovenia)
Tamara Bračko (Slovenia)
Hjördis Löfroth (Svezia)
Research Associate position at the University of Bath (UK)
A Research Associate in Geotechnical Engineering (fixed term) is required, to join the ACHILLES Programme at the University of Bath, UK. The ACHILLES team are exploring the impact of ageing and a changing climate on the performance of infrastructure earthworks. The application is open until the 10th May 2021 (https://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=CF8227). This role is on a fixed term basis from 1 July 2021 with an expected end date of 31 December 2022. For informal enquires please contact Dr Kevin Briggs (k.m.briggs@bath.ac.uk).
Postdoctoral Position in geotechnical earthquake engineering at Université Gustave Eiffel (France)
A postdoctoral position is open at Université Gustave Eiffel, France. The project will focus on Centrifuge Modelling of soft soil reinforced by rigid inclusions subjected to seismic loading. The post-doctoral researcher will carry out experimental studies on the soil-rigid inclusion-superstructure interaction taking into account several highlighted factors. The experimental study will also provide essential data for numerical modeling.
Application deadline: Open until Filled
For more information of the PhD subject, see the attached PDF file.
Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at University of Sheffield (UK)
The Department of Civil & Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK is inviting applications from outstanding candidates for the position of Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, to help shape our research activity and taught programmes. While applications from all areas of geotechnics – whether numerical or physical – are welcome, we seek a talented individual who can relate their research vision to impact on key challenges such as infrastructure performance/resilience, adaptation of geotechnical systems for an evolving climate, low carbon development/management, decarbonisation of energy production, and integration of digital technologies.
Further information and an application link can be found below:
The closing date for applications is 4th May 2021. Informal enquiries can be made to Elisabeth Bowman, Reader in Geomechanics, at e.bowman@sheffield.ac.uk.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems at Durham University (UK)
The Department of Engineering at Durham University (UK) is advertising a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Offshore Foundation Systems position. The postdoctoral researcher will work on a British Council funded project entitled “Floating hybrid renewable energy systems in Turkey”. This project aims to develop a design for hybrid floating wind turbine solar energy foundation systems. The project involves collaboration with the Middle East Technical University and industry partners in Turkey. The postdoctoral researcher will carry out advanced numerical simulations to predict the response of the foundations and the anchorage systems.
The employment contract will be up to 16/02/2023 (about 23 months). The deadline for the application is 22 April 2021. More details can be found at: