A new MOOC entitled “From seismology to earthquake engineering” will start soon at École Polytechnique of IP Paris.
The course ranges from the earth structure, the generation of earthquakes and seismic waves by faults to the seismic response of soils, foundations and structures as well as seismic risk.
The teaser of the course is available here.
Info and free enrollment at this web-site.
Faculty position at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg – USA
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech is seeking to fill a tenure-track position in Geotechnical Engineering. The position is open at the Assistant Professor level and the review will start on November 15, 2021.
See the position announcement on this flyer. Additional information can be found here.
Two Ph.D. student positions on “Geomechanics for engineered geological barriers” at EPFL Switzerland, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics
More info at this link.
Two industry co-funded Ph.D. student positions at the Department of Earth Sciences “A. Desio” of the University of Milan on “Soil improvement treatments by resin injection” (Tutor prof. Tiziana Apuani) and “Experimental and numerical analysis of the thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour of thermo-active sheet pile walls” (Tutor prof. Francesco Cecinato).
More info at this link and on this flyer.
A Ph.D. student position on “Energy Geostructures” at the University of Perugia (tutor Prof. Diana Salciarini).
More into at this link.
A Ph.D. student position on “Rock Mechanics” at Université de Lorraine, GeoRessources laboratory, France.
More info at this link. Interested candidates can write to:
Il Politecnico di Torino ha pubblicato un bando per una borsa di dottorato sulle tematiche ‘Green’ di cui al D.M. 1061 del 10-8-2021 dal titolo “Stoccaggio sotterraneo dell’idrogeno: caratterizzazione e modellazione geomeccanica. Ulteriori informazioni sul bando e sul progetto di ricerca in questo documento.
Un concorso di Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo A (RTD-A) sarà prossimamente bandito dall’Università degli Studi di Genova nell’ambito della tematica di ricerca “Green” di cui al recente Decreto Ministeriale n. 1062 del 10-08-2021 e, in particolare, su argomenti collegati alla costruzione sostenibile in terra. La presa di servizio del neoassunto ricercatore è prevista per l’inizio del 2022 (probabilmente febbraio 2022). Ulteriori dettagli su questo documento.
4th CMFRGS webinar “Implicit Material Point Method for geomechanics applications” – 19th October 2021
The organising committee of the “Computational Modelling for Future Research in Geoenvironmental Sciences” (CMFRGS) webinar series invites you to the 4th webinar entitled “Implicit Material Point Method for geomechanics applications” presented by Dr Antonia Larese from the University of Padua, Italy.
Webinar 4 is scheduled to be hosted at 9:00 am (CEST), 19th October 2021 with registration for this webinar closing at 24:00 (CEST), 16th October 2021.
You may find further info and register (free but mandatory) here: and on this Flyer.
Tenure-track position in geotechnical engineering at Polytechnique Montréal
Polytechnique Montréal is seeking applicants for a tenure-track position in geotechnical engineering.
Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
– rock mechanics
– physical modeling (large scale or in situ scale)
– experimental soil mechanics
– geomechanics with application to green energy or underground hydrogen and CO2 storage, or geohazard assessment (e.g. rockfalls and landslides)
Full description of the position and the required documents for the application can be found at the following link:
PhD Position in Experimental Soil Mechanics at Delft University of Technology (scadenza 17 ottobre)
Project motivation
Soft highly organic soils are widespread in the foundation layers of the built environment all over the world. They contain organic matter, roots and fibres, which improve their mechanical response. However, these soils are extremely vulnerable to climate-related hazards. Increasing climatic stresses, such as heat waves, drought, and more frequent intense precipitation accelerate the degradation of organic soils, by increasing their drying and shrinkage rate above the water table and their decomposition rate under water, with gas generation and exsolution. Both these mechanisms, drying and gas exsolution, ultimately contribute to significant land subsidence and reduction in available resistance. Quantifying the geotechnical engineering consequences of seasonally varying loads, including drying-wetting, temperature cycles and degradation, on organic soils is extremely challenging due to the complexity of a proper description of multi-physics gas-liquid-solid interaction. The project aims at deepening the understanding and the modelling of these coupled processes, to mitigate the climate-related hazard in natural soils and to assist in the design of durable innovative green solutions.
Job description
The twofold aim of the PhD project is:
– To experimentally investigate the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of organic soils subjected to cycles of environmental (e.g. drying and wetting, temperature) and mechanical loads. Soft soils reinforced with natural and artificial organic fibres will be tested, to quantify the role played by fibres, gas and fabric on their mechanical behaviour.
– To enhance existing constitutive models in order to include the effects of environmental factors such as drying-wetting cycles, temperature cycles and degradation in the prediction of their geotechnical properties.
The PhD candidate will benefit from advanced experimental laboratory facilities including unsaturated triaxial apparatus, biaxial plane strain apparatus, large-scale testing facility, geotechnical centrifuge and imaging facilities already available in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft and partner institutions, and the support of experienced technical staff.
More information in the attached document: PhD_position_TU_Delft_TUD01486
The closing date for the applications is 17 October 2021.