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PhD and Postdoc opportunities


PhD Thesis at Centrale Nantes

A thesis subject is available at Centrale Nantes on modeling of costal erosion. Interested candidate should postulate on the website of Université Bretagne Loire as indicated in this link.


PhD and Postdoc opportunities at Chalmers University of Technology
The Geotechnics Research Group at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) is looking for PhD students and post-docs in computational geomechanics. Deadline for applications is April 30, 2022. More information on the following links.

  • PhD student in multiphysics modelling of geostructures in FEniCSx: link.
  • Postdoc in multiphysics modelling of geostructures in FEniCSx: link.
  • Postdoc in computational geomechanics – micromechanics of natural clays: link.


PhD Student at niversity
Ghent University offer a 4-year PhD researcher position within the bilateral cooperation FWO research project “Mechanisms of rockmass instability in co-mining of deep mineral and geothermal energy considering spatio-temporal distribution of stress and temperature”, in collaboration with the Central South University (China). Tentative start date: 1 July 2022. More information on this link.

ReStructure 2.0 – Webinar #2 – “Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on Ground Failure”

Nell’ambito del progetto ReStructure 2.0 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Reintegration Panel) sono stati organizzati una serie di webinar su temi di geotecnica sismica. Il secondo di questi, dal titolo “Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction on Ground Failure“, si svolgerà il 17 Marzo 2022 (ore 17:00). Per l’iscrizione all’evento è necessario registrarsi utilizzando questo link. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questo flyer e in questo sito.

3 Post-doc researcher positions at University of Bristol, University of Southampton and Trinity College Dublin


Three researcher positions (up to 3 years duration) are available at University of Bristol,  and Trinity College Dublin to join the EPSRC-SFI funded project “ROBOCONE: intelligent robotics for next generation ground investigation and design”, an interdisciplinary project aiming to bring robotics and whole-life design to in situ soil characterization and geotechnical analysis. Project kick-off: June 2022. For more information and apply:

  • Bristol team (deadline: 7th March 2022): here
  • Southampton team (deadline: 15th March 2022): here
  • Dublin team (deadline: 10th March 2022): e-mail to: igoed@tcd.ie


The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Chalmers University of Technology is now looking for a Postdoc researcher (24 months) who will study dynamic Soil-Structure-Interaction and its effect on design and maintenance of railway infrastructure (including but not limited to slab track). This project is a collaboration between the Concrete Structures and Geotechnics research groups and is embedded within the centre for Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC).  More info here.

ReStructure 2.0 – Webinar #1 “New soil-structure interaction frontiers in seismic areas”

Nell’ambito del progetto ReStructure 2.0 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Reintegration Panel) sono stati organizzati una serie di webinar su temi di geotecnica sismica. Il primo di questi, dal titolo “New soil-structure interaction frontiers in seismic areas“, si svolgerà il 24 Febbraio 2022 (ore 17:00). Per l’iscrizione all’evento è necessario registrarsi utilizzando questo link. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questo flyer e in questo sito.

Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2022

PhD Positions

A PhD position on “Non-linear soil behavior effects on earthquake recordings: Application to the French mainland sismo-tectonic context” is available at the French Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (CEREMA). Details on the PhD Project and application procedure on this flyer. For more info, please contact Dr. Anna Chiaradonna (anna.chiaradonna1@univaq.it).


A PhD position on “Optimization of particle transport in polydisperse dense granular flows: towards sustainable processes” is available at the Université Gustave Eiffel (Paris). The project will be supervised by Patrick Richard and Riccardo Artoni (MAST/GPEM laboratory of the Gustave Eiffel University) and by Michele Larcher (Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Bolzano in Italy). Full details on this webpage.

PhD Positions


Monash Computational Geomechanics (MCG) Lab at Monash University is seeking an outstanding PhD candidate to develop a next generation of computational approach that combines our in-house SPH platform, advanced constitutive models and Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) to provide realistic simulations of block caving process at the field scale. More info on this flyer.


The Geotechnical Research Group at Chalmers University of Technology is looking for a highly motivated  individual to fill a PhD student position linked with a research project (funded by the Swedish research council) on the development of calcined clays as supplementary cementitious material for ground improvement (mass stabilisation, deep mixing). More info on this site.


School of Civil Engineering at Shandong University (China) invites applications for a postdoctoral position for a research project on developing advanced detection technologies for geohazard prevention based on drones: new monitoring and early warning systems for geohazards. For more info please, contact  Prof. Ji-Peng Wang (ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn).

UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW- Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader in Geotechnical Engineering

The University of Glasgow is seeking an ambitious academic to join the Division of Infrastructure & Environment in the area of Geotechnical Engineering. The post is permanent and full-time and refers to geotechnics of offshore and onshore renewables, ground source heating and thermo-active foundations, geological disposal of nuclear waste, sustainable and low-carbon construction techniques and to the impact of climate change on geohazards and geotechnical infrastructure. Closing date for applications: 22 February 2022. More info on this site.

Assistant Professor Position in Geotechnical Engineering at NTU of Singapore

To fuel further development, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore invite applications for Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) position in the areas of Geotechnical Engineering. Applicants are invited to submit their applications through the NTU Workday career portal. Application remains open until the position is filled. More info on this site.


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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