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FONDAZIONI SU PALI E SPECIALI – Scuola di Dottorato, 3-5 luglio 2023 Enna

Il 31 maggio 2023 scadono le iscrizioni alla Scuola di Dottorato 2023 dal titolo “Fondazioni su pali e speciali” che si svolgerà dal 3 al 5 luglio 2023 presso il Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico di Santa Panasia dell’Università di Enna ‘Kore’La partecipazione è, come di consueto, gratuita e aperta a tutti i dottorandi e giovani ricercatori. Il programma della scuola, ulteriori informazioni sull’evento e modulo per l’iscrizione sono disponibili in questa pagina-web.

RootS23 – SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications – Perugia 20-21 aprile 2023

L’Università degli Studi di Perugia e il Politecnico di Bari organizzano insieme il Workshop SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: MECHANISMS, PROCESSES AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS – RootS23 che si terrà a Perugia presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria nei giorni 20-21 Aprile 2023. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questi flyer (flyer1, flyer2). Il programma definitivo è disponibile qui. Per confermare la propria partecipazione inviare una e-mail agli indirizzi:  manuela.cecconi@unipg.it, vito.tagarelli@poliba.it.

RootS23 – SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications – Perugia 20-21 aprile 2023

Dear Colleagues,
for a fruitful and pleasant participation to the Workshop and in order to organize at best your coming to Perugia, we kindly invite you to fill this Google form before Saturday 18th March.
We thank you very much and we hope to see many of you in Perugia,
Manuela Cecconi, Federica Cotecchia, Vincenzo Pane, Vito Tagarelli

More info on the Workshop on this web-page.

FONDAZIONI SU PALI E SPECIALI – Scuola di Dottorato, 3-5 luglio 2023 Enna

Siamo lieti di annunciare che la prossima edizione della Scuola di Dottorato del GNIG si svolgerà dal 3 al 5 luglio 2023 presso il Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico di Santa Panasia dell’Università di Enna ‘Kore’.

La Scuola di Dottorato, dal titolo “Fondazioni su pali e speciali”, sarà coordinata dal Prof. Alessandro Mandolini dell’Università della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ e dal Prof. Francesco Castelli dell’Università di Enna ‘Kore’ e sarà formalmente accreditata presso il dottorato di quest’ultima sede. Nella locandina allegata è riportato il programma, che si articolerà su sessioni di 4 ore di mattina e 4 ore di pomeriggio, oltre ad una sessione finale di 2 ore, nella mattinata del 5 luglio, per consentire la visita al Laboratorio di Dinamica Sperimentale UNIKORE – Tavole Vibranti. Al termine dei lavori, è prevista l’organizzazione di un servizio di autobus per il trasferimento a Palermo, in tempo per l’inizio dei lavori del CNRIG’23.

La partecipazione alla Scuola di Dottorato del GNIG è, come di consueto, gratuita e aperta a tutti i dottorandi e giovani ricercatori interessati. Per motivi organizzativi, è gradita una tempestiva manifestazione di interesse a scuolacnrig23@unikore.it e, comunque, è richiesta l’iscrizione on-line entro il 31 maggio 2023 tramite questo modulo indicando nome, cognome, ciclo di dottorato e sede di appartenenza. In questa pagina-web è riportato anche il programma e maggiori informazioni.

RootS23 – SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications – Perugia 20-21 aprile 2023

L’Università degli Studi di Perugia e il Politecnico di Bari organizzano insieme il Workshop SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: MECHANISMS, PROCESSES AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS – RootS23 che si terrà a Perugia presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria nei giorni 20-21 Aprile 2023. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questi flyer (flyer1, flyer2). Il programma preliminare è disponibile qui. Per confermare la propria partecipazione inviare una e-mail agli indirizzi:  manuela.cecconi@unipg.it, vito.tagarelli@poliba.it. Segue una breve descrizione dei contenuti del workshop.

Short description
The Workshop “SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: MECHANISMS, PROCESSES AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS” will focus on the current state of knowledge and research concerning the topic of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. This is a very broad and multidisciplinary research theme, spanning several scientific fields, each contributing to the investigation and modeling of specific aspects of the soil and plant behavior, under variable climatic conditions. The considerable current scientific interest for this subject is testified by the numerous scientific studies published in the specialized literature over the last decade. The Workshop is mainly addressed to researchers in geotechnical engineering, but the participation of researchers working in other fields (e.g., foresters, agronomists, soil physicians, ecologists, ….) is very welcome and considered fruitful for a constructive contamination of knowledge.
The presentations will address two main aspects:
a) the mechanisms through which vegetation favours ground mechanical reinforcement;
b) the phenomena and processes underlying soil-plant-atmosphere interaction, which typically require thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled analyses.
Invited presentations will focus in more detail on: plant’s physical and hydrological properties; root architecture and properties; experimental evidence of the effects of vegetation evolution on soil hydrological and mechanical conditions; THM numerical analysis of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction; ground bio-engineering techniques for shallow slope stability. The presentations will make reference to case studies and physical modelling.
Two ‘open discussions’ will be specifically dedicated to young researchers who shall contribute with very short presentations (3-4 minutes) and/or by posing questions to the Speakers and the floor for a stimulating and informal discussion.
We hope that the workshop will represent an opportunity to share ideas and encourage new research collaborations. Looking forward to see you in Perugia kind regards,
Manuela Cecconi, Federica Cotecchia, Vincenzo Pane, Vito Tagarelli

Shallow geothermal systems for heating and cooling: geoscience and engineering approaches – session ERE2.3@EGU23 – Vienna 23-28 Aprile 2023

Si chiude il 10 gennaio 2023 (13:00) la call for abstracts della EGU23 General Assembly. Di seguito l’invito del Convener e dei Co-Conveners della sessione ERE2.3 ‘Shallow geothermal systems for heating and cooling: geoscience and engineering


Dear collegue,
the EGU deadline for abstract submissions is approaching soon: it is fixed at January 10, 2023 at 13:00 CET. We invite you to consider submitting an abstract to the session ERE2.3 – Shallow geothermal systems for heating and cooling: geoscience and engineering approaches. The session welcomes contributions about shallow geothermal energy applications, including traditional closed- and open-loop borehole heat exchangers as well as so-called energy geostructures (e.g. thermo-active foundations, walls, tunnels). Different types of analysis and approaches are relevant to this session, spanning from the evaluation of ground thermal properties to the mapping of shallow geothermal potential, from energy storage and district heating to sustainability issues and consequences of the geothermal energy use, from the design of new heat exchangers and installation techniques to the energy and thermo-(hydro-) mechanical performance of energy geostructures, from the local behaviour of a heat exchanger to the city scale implementation of energy geostructures. Contributions based on experimental, analytical and numerical modelling are welcome as well as interventions about legislative aspect.
Instructions on how to submit an abstract can be found here. More info about the EGU23 format can be found here.

We are looking forward to see you in Vienna or online,Best Regards,
Giorgia Dalla Santa, Francesco Cecinato, Thibault Badinier

Multiphysics and multiscale interactions in the context of energy storage and CO2 sequestration – SEG23 (Delft, 5-8 Ottobre 2023)

Nell’ambito del Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23, sotto gli auspici del TC308 dell’ISSMGE), si terrà il Mini-Symposium “Multiphysics and multiscale interactions in the context of energy storage and CO2 sequestration”, di cui segue una breve descrizione. Si invitano tutti gli interessati a sottomettere un abstract entro il 31 gennaio 2023

Short description: Geomechanics plays an important role in many applications required to engineer the energy transition. Massive storage of energy and CO2 is planned to be done in geological structures, that will be exposed to unexperienced types of loads. Among those: cyclic pore pressure histories due to seasonal storage/production of energy, thermal loads due to the injection of fluids with different temperatures, bio-chemo-hydro-mechanical processes due to the interaction of dissolved and solid chemical species with low pH fluids, and wetting/drying processes. This mini-symposium aims at bringing together researchers working to foster a deeper understanding of such coupled multiphysics phenomena, which often require a multiscale approach (from particle to the REV, and from the REV to the well or the reservoir scale).

Maggiori informazioni in queste pagine: link1link 2Per contatti: Gabriele Della Vecchia (gabriele.dellavecchia@polimi.it), Guido Musso (guido.musso@polito.it),

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Geotechnical & Geosystems Engineering at EPFL


The EPFL School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) invites applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) of Geotechnical & Geosystems Engineering in the Institute of Civil Engineering. Topics of interest cover fundamental research in mechanics of geomaterials and applications to sustainable design of geosystems and geotechnical structures. More information, and details on how to apply can be found here.



Nei giorni 17, 20, 24 e 27 gennaio 2023 presso la Scuola di Dottorato di Parma, il prof. A. Segalini terrà un corso dal titolo Underground excavations: geological aspects, monitoring and risk analysis. Il corso si svolgerà online e per la partecipazione è necessaria una registrazione tramite questo link . Maggiori informazioni in questo flyer.


    2-year position in the newly formed Westlake University in Hangzhou China. The project is focused on creating advanced modeling techniques combining different physics layers, such as fluids, soils, and solids. Experience in computational methods such as Discrete Element Method, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics, Particle Finite Element Method, Material Point Method, and related methods is highly desirable. More info on the these websites: research_group , Westlake_UniversityFor further information please send an email to Prof Galindo Torres (s.torres@westlake.edu.cn).


    Eighteen month post doctoral position at Université Gustave Eiffel. The overall aim of the project is to develop the use of CMS as construction materials for geotechnical structures. The post doctoral research fellow will sepcifically study the mechanical behaviour of geotechnical structures made with cement modified soils using centrifuge test on small-scale models. More information on this website and on this flyer.


    Aalto University School of Engineering invites applications for Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Geotechnical Engineering. The call is targeted to ambitious individuals seeking a full-time Assistant Professor position in the Aalto University tenure track systemThe vacancy is open at the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering (website). More information on this website.

    Engineering solutions for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste requires a challenging combination of knowledge: on one hand, how structures such as tunnels and caverns within a rock mass modify the local/regional stress state, and on the other hand,how these structures respond to in-situ stresses over century to millennium timescales. Applications are invited for a fully-funded (3 years, 8 months) PhD to commence in 1st February 2023, hosted in the Rock Mechanics Laboratory, School of Environment, Geosciences & Geography at the University of Portsmouth. More information in this flyer or on this website.


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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