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Convegno: GeoAmericas – Apr 2016

GeoAmericas 2016


Miami Beach, USA
10 -13 April 2016


GeoAmericas 2016 is the 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics. Held at the Lowes Hotel on South Beach in Miami, Florida, this industry-leading conference is hosted by the North American Geosynthetics Society. It provide a forum for engineers, practitioners and academe from the Americas to explore current and future potential applications for geosynthetics, but also offers an active marketplace for the promotion of geosynthetic products and technologies to users throughout the Americas.

Comunicati MIUR: Criteri e parametri ASN 2015

DM criteri e parametri ASN

Comunicati ANVUR: Parere Regolamento ASN 2015

Parere Regolamento ASN 2015


Convegno: SFGE – Oct 2016

SFGE 2016
Shaping the Future of Geotechnical Education


Belo Horizonte, Brazil
19 -20 October 2016


SFGE 2016 – Shaping the Future of Geotechnical Education is also organised by TC306 and will take place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 19-20 October, 2016, in conjunction with a series of geotechnical events organised by the Brazilian Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ABMS). At least two sessions will be shared by SFGE 2016 and GeoJovem 2016, the Brazilian and South American Young Geotechnical Engineers’ conference, thus bringing together educators and students.

SFGE 2016 is the fourth in the series of international conferences about geo-engineering education organised by the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) through its Technical Committees and Member Societies. The previous conferences were:

  • 1st International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education and Training, Sinaia, Romania, 12-14 June, 2000
  • 1st International Conference on Education and Training in Geo-Engineering Sciences: Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics (ICETGES), Constantza, Romania, 2-4 June, 2008
  • Shaking the Foundations of Geo-Engineering Education (SFGE 2012), Galway, Ireland, 4-6 July, 2012

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 8, 2016




Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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