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XXVII Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica posticipato al 2021

l’emergenza causata dal diffondersi del contagio dal COVID-19 complica ogni giorno di più la nostra vita personale e lavorativa al punto da essere ormai costretti ad un isolamento domiciliare, che ci auguriamo possa presto terminare. In questo scenario, che ogni giorno diventa sempre più preoccupante e del quale non è facile stimare la durata, il Comitato Scientifico dell’evento e il Consiglio di Presidenza dell’AGI, avendo come priorità la sicurezza e la salute dei Soci e dei Colleghi che parteciperanno al prossimo XXVII CNG, hanno deciso di spostare l’evento al periodo 7-9 luglio del 2021 in modo da consentire ai partecipanti di vivere l’evento nella consueta atmosfera di serenità e cordialità che da sempre lo caratterizza.
Tutti gli autori delle memorie saranno contattati per essere informati circa le comunicazioni relative agli articoli presentati.

Sito web del convegno: www.convegnonazionalegeotecnica.it

VQR 2015-2019: nuovo cronoprogramma

È stato pubblicato il nuovo cronoprogramma della procedura per la Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (VQR) 2015-2019.


Postdoc position at Delft University of Technology – Numerical modelling of cyclic soil-monopile interaction

Applications are welcome for a 2.5-years postdoc position on the numerical modelling of cyclic soil-monopile interaction in offshore wind turbines at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). The research work will include development, set-up and calibration of 3D FE monopile models, in combination with advanced constitutive modelling of cyclic sand behaviour. Design of the numerical simulation programme, and validation of obtained results, will be carried out in close collaboration with experimentalists and industry experts. The new knowledge gained from combined physical and numerical modelling will be oriented towards the formulation and implementation of a new engineering p-y model for the analysis of large-diameter monopiles in sand under cyclic loading.

Full description of the position and instructions for applicants can be found using the following link:

For more information please contact Dr. Federico Pisanò: F.Pisano@tudelft.nl, or Dr. Amin Askarinejad: A.Askarinejad@tudelft.nl .

The closing date for applications is April 30th, 2020. Preferred starting date is November 1st, 2020.

Postdoc position at Navier Laboratory (France)

Applications are welcomed for a postdoc position in Navier Laboratory (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Université Gustave Eiffel, CNRS – France) on the mitigation of crystalline swelling in clays by cationic exchange. This postdoc is part of the ALLUVIUM project (I-site FUTURE) and an on-going experimental campaign using XRD identified a shortlist of promising cationic compounds. In this postdoc, we propose to complement these experiments with molecular simulations to investigate in detail the effects of cationic exchange at the nano-scale.

The position can start anytime but not later than fall 2020.

More details in the attached document: Postdoc_ALLUVIUM_NavierLaboratory

E-UNSAT 2020 Lisbon – postponed to 19-21 October 2020

Due to the COV-19 outbreak in all European countries in the last weeks, in agreement with the Chair and the Secretary of the TC-106, E-UNSAT 2020 conference to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, will be postponed. The new dates have been fixed to October 19-21, 2020.
Postponing the conference was necessary to allow for safe travelling and enjoying the event. Hopefully this delay will be enough for the emergency to be over. Further information can be found at https://eunsat2020.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

2 Assistant Professor positions at University of Twente (Netherlands)

Applications are welcomed for two Assistant Professor positions of Computational Multiscale Mechanics and Geomechanics at University of Twente (Netherlands).

Focus of the first position is on the development of advanced open-source computational tools for the investigation of particulate materials. The second position is dedicated to the multiscale and multiphase modelling of soils, for material characterisation, prediction, improvement.

For more information follow the links below:
– Computational Multiscale Mechanics (deadline 1 April 2020):
– Geomechanics (deadline 15 April 2020):

Faculty position at Polytechnique Montréal (Canada)

Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) is seeking applicants for a tenure-track position in geotechnical engineering. Research areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

– frozen ground engineering

– transportation geotechnics

– unsaturated soil mechanics

– energy foundations

Closing Date:  April 2, 2020

Full description of the position and the required documents for the application can be found at: https://www.polymtl.ca/carriere/en/offres-demploi/civil-engineering-professor-nordic-geotechnical-engineering-transportation-geotechnics-unsaturated

XX ICSMGE – Sydney (Australia), 12-17 settembre 2021

La XX International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering si terrà a Sydney (Australia) nel periodo 12-17 settembre 2021 (posticipato a 1-6 maggio 2022).

Scadenza per l’invio dei sommari: 30 aprile 2020.

The theme of ICSMGE 2021 is “A Geotechnical Discovery Downunder – Geotechnical Diversity Awaits You”. Discover Australia and discover the innovation that lies where practical problems meet leading theoretical developments. ICSMGE 2021 will focus on the application of theory and the discovery that comes when world-class minds are focussed on the geotechnical problems facing our world. The conference program and technical sessions reflect this emphasis on applications, and are designed to trigger collaboration, innovation and discovery from a diverse group of participants.

More information athttp://www.icsmge2021.org/

Assistant/Associate Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics (tenure track) at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for an Assistant or Associate Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics at Delft University of Technology (Holland). The position is proposed to improve their understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings. Emerging sensor and imaging technologies offer the opportunity to develop a new generation of experimental techniques for soil testing in the laboratory and in the field.

The closing date for applications is 15 March 2020.

More information in the attachment:
Advert_for_Assistant_Associate_Professor_of_Experimental_Soil _Mechanics

Borse di dottorato presso Charles University (Praga, Repubblica Ceca)

La Facoltà di Scienze della Charles University (Praga, Repubblica Ceca) offre due posizioni di dottorato sui seguenti temi:

  1. Effects of thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling on slope deformation in expansive clays: advanced experiments and hypoplastic modelling (Relatore: Dr. Gianvito Scaringi)
  2. Evaluation of hydromechanical properties of bentonite subjected to thermal loading (Relatore: RNDr. Jan Najser)

Il bando, disponibile su https://stars-natur.cz/, scade il 13 marzo 2020.

Ulteriori informazioni nell’allegato: PhD call Prague


Il GNIG (Gruppo Nazionale di Ingegneria Geotecnica) si propone di promuovere il coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e di formazione nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR07 – 08/B1 ‘Geotecnica’, di curare le relazioni con gli altri Settori Scientifico Disciplinari, con gli Organi di Governo dell’Università e con le Associazioni Scientifiche e Culturali del Settore.

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