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Author Archives: Giovanni Biondi
IARG 2022 e Scuola di Dottorato 2022
Dopo la riuscita edizione online dello IARG 2021, il nostro consueto incontro annuale torna dopo tre anni in presenza!
La prossima edizione dell’Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Ingegneria Geotecnica (IARG 2022) si svolgerà a Caserta, dal 7 al 9 settembre 2022, e sarà preceduto dalla Scuola di Dottorato dal titolo “Il laboratorio Geotecnico: attività sperimentali convenzionali e non” che si terrà dal 5 al 7 settembre 2022. Maggiori informazioni in questa pagina.
Cogliamo l’occasione per inviare a tutti i componenti del Gruppo i nostri migliori auguri di Buona Pasqua!
La Giunta GNIG
Chair of Junior Professor – École des Ponts ParisTech, Laboratoire Navier
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech is recruiting for a Chair of Junior Professor (JPC) in the field of Geomechanics for energy. The application from young researchers is particularly encouraged. Deadline for application: 16 May 2022. More information here.
2-year Research Associate – University of Strathclyde
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Strathclyde University seeks to recruit a talented researcher to a 24-month Research Associate position. The new Associate is required to demonstrate research experience in either Soil Mechanics, Soil Science or Plant Science. More information on this flyer.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering – University of Sheffield
The Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield is currently looking to appoint a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering to support teaching and research delivery. This is a permanent position within the Department. The closing date for applications is 6th May 2022. Details about the post are outlined here.
Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofit of Existing Bridge Foundations – GEE 1st Webinar Series (April 13, 2022)
In the framework of the 1st Webinar Series on GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, organized by the Department of Earthquake Engineering of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and by the Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, a webinar titled Vulnerability Assessment and Retrofit of Existing Bridge Foundations will be delivered by Prof. Ioannis Anastasopoulos on April 13, 2022 (10:30 a.m. Italian Time). More info on this flyer and at this web-page.
The 8th edition of the International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazard Mitigation (DFHM8) is jointly organized by Politecnico di Torino and the University of Turin, and will be held in turin on June 26-29, 2023. Contributions to the Conference will be in the form of an Extended Abstract (2 to 4 pages). The Conference programme will include selected oral communications and poster presentations. Deadline for the Extended Abstract submission: June 30, 2022. More info on this flyer and at this page.
Dal 3 al 27 maggio 2022, nell’ambito delle attività della Scuola di Dottorato del Politecnico di Milano, il prof. Roberto Paolucci terrà un corso sul tema “ELASTIC WAVE PROPAGATION WITH APPLICATIONS TO EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING“. Sono previste 7 lezioni on line che saranno fruibili dagli studenti che avranno effettuato la procedura di registrazione descritta in questo sito. Maggiori informazioni in questo flyer.
Research Fellow – PARTIALLY SATURATED LIQUEFACTION. University of Southampton
The University of Southampton is seeking for a Research Fellow in Geotechnical Engineering to develop safety envelopes for partially saturated granular materials under cyclic loading using a hydro-mechanical geotechnical model. A PhD (or equivalent professional qualifications) and experience in computational modelling of partially saturated soil mechanics and cyclic loading are required. Please go to this site for more information and to apply for the position.
ReStructure 2.0 – Webinar #3 – “Seismic Earth Pressure on Retaining Walls based on SSI Principles”
Nell’ambito del progetto ReStructure 2.0 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Reintegration Panel) sono stati organizzati una serie di webinar su temi di geotecnica sismica. Il terzo di questi, dal titolo ““Seismic Earth Pressure on Retaining Walls based on SSI Principles“, sarà tenuto dal Prof. Jonathan Stewart il 13 Aprile 2023 (ore 17:00). Per l’iscrizione all’evento è necessario registrarsi utilizzando questo link. Maggiori informazioni sull’evento in questo flyer e in questo sito.