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Postdoc positions at the Computing Center for Geotechnical Engineering of Zhejiang University (China)

The Computing Center for Geotechnical Engineering (COMEGE) of Zhejiang University has openings for postdoctoral fellows in computational geomechanics. Successful candidates should demonstrate a good publication record on geomechanics, engineering mechanics, and/or numerical methods (e.g. FEM, DEM, MPM, SPH, peridynamics), and are expected to conduct independent research on these areas. A good knowledge of high-performance computing and code developing will be a plus.

About the institute: Zhejiang University is among the top universities in China (one of the C9 League) and is located in the historical and beautiful city of Hangzhou. It ranks 53 according to the QS World University Rankings 2020.

Contact: The potential applicants should send a CV enclosed with representative publications to Dr. Mei Dong (mdong@zju.edu.cn).

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