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InterPore 2017 – Rotterdam, May 8-11, 2017

Invitation for abstract submission: deadline is approaching (November 14)

Dear colleagues:

We would like to invite you to submit to a minisymposium which we organize on recent developments in unsaturated soil and unsaturated porous media mechanics. It will be held during/at InterPore 2017 (Rotterdam, May 8-11, 2017).

We intend to attract researchers from porous media community, active on multi-phase geo-materials, as well as researchers from soil physics, geotechnical engineering and so forth. Hence, it will bring about many fruitful inter- and intra- community and interdisciplinary discussions.

We hope you and/your colleagues can submit to this session.

our session is titled

MS1.5 Constitutive framework for unsaturated porous media: experimental challenges and modeling opportunities

Please select it when you submit your abstract.

Abstract submission information is available at the following link:


Please copy and paste the link into your internet browser, if the link does not work.

For further information on session topics and objectives, please see the brief description after this email.

Last but not the least, the deadline for abstract submission is November 21 and only a short abstract is needed. You are more than welcome to circulate this announcement among your interested colleagues and co-workers.


With kind regards,




On behalf of the mini-symposium co-organizers (in alphabetical order):

Francesca Casini (Universita’ degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy),

Siavash Ghabezloo (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France)

Tom Schanz (Ruhr Universität, Bochum)

Jean Vaunat (UPC, Spain),



Title of MS: Constitutive framework for unsaturated porous media: experimental challenges and modeling opportunities

Session topics and objectives:

Due to multiphase, and multi-physics nature of unsaturated porous media, establishing a constitutive framework for them is not an easy task. The internal structure of the porous media can play a major role and furthermore, the presence of various phases and interfaces among phases greatly influences the macroscopic behavior of such media [1-5]. Such intricate interaction among phases, and interfaces which depend on the internal structure of the porous media would not be easily captured without resorting to advanced experimental techniques and theoretical and numerical modeling tools. This mini-symposium invites researchers working on different unsaturated porous media such as soils and rocks, building materials, gas and oil reservoirs to actively participate.

Main themes are inclusive of but not limited to the followings: a. The hydro-mechanical coupling: investigation from nano and micro to macro scale (i.e., the relationship between capillary pressure-saturation curve (soil water retention curve) and mechanical response: theoretical, and experimental study at the macroscale as well as the micro/nano scale b. The effect of physicochemical characteristics of the porous medium on its hydro-mechanical behavior  c. Micro-mechanical modelling of unsaturated porous media d. Retention in unsaturated porous materials (unsaturated soils, unsaturated frozen soils, reservoir rocks (carbonate, chalk), methane hydrate, papers, building materials, pampers, …)  e. Modeling reactive transport and its hydro-geo-mechanical consequences in projects such as CO2 sequestration  f. The role of unsaturated poro-mechanics in mitigating geo-hazards such as rainfall induced landslides g. Modeling the relationships between phases and interfaces  h. Unsaturated particulate mechanics for road (subbase and base) materials

References: 1. Baille, W., Tripathy, S., & Schanz, T. (2014). Effective stress in clays of various mineralogy. Vadose Zone Journal, 13(5). 2. Casini, F., Vaunat, J., Romero, E., & Desideri, A. (2012). Consequences on water retention properties of double-porosity features in a compacted silt. Acta Geotechnica, 7(2), 139-150. 3. Lu, N., Khalili, N., Nikooee, E., & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2014). Principle of effective stress in variably saturated porous media. Vadose Zone Journal, 13(5). 4. Nikooee, E., Habibagahi, G., Hassanizadeh, S. M., & Ghahramani, A. (2013). Effective stress in unsaturated soils: A thermodynamic approach based on the interfacial energy and hydromechanical coupling. Transport in porous media, 96(2), 369-396. 5. Schrefler, B. A. (2002). Mechanics and thermodynamics of saturated/unsaturated porous materials and quantitative solutions. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 55(4), 351-388.

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